Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Updated IBus Park & Ride Express numbers - Week of July 23 - 27, 2018 - 193 trips total

I am presenting the weekly ridership numbers relating to both the IBus Express Park & Ride as well as regular routes. 

The numbers are for the week of  July 23, 2018 – July 27, 2018: 193 rides total

Week of July 23 - 27, 2018 

AM                          82
PM                          84
Regular route:         27
Total - all routes:   193 

How does this compare to prior weeks? (Weekly totals):

Week of July 16 - 20, 2018 

AM                        109
PM                        106
Regular route:         24
Total - all routes:   239

Week of July 9 - 13, 2018 

AM                         95
PM                         86
Regular route:        22
Total - all routes:  203

Week of July 2 - 6, 2018

AM                         66
PM                         44
Regular route:        21
Total - all routes:  131

Week of June 25 - 29, 2018

AM                        100
PM                         73
Regular route:        32
Total - all routes:  205

Week of June 18, - 22, 2018

AM                         76
PM                         79
Regular route:        29
Total - all routes:  184

Week of June 11, - 15, 2018

AM                        141
PM                          97
Regular route:        14
Total - all routes:  252

Please CLICK HERE to view prior blog posts relating to the IBus & IBus Express

Very truly yours,

Eugene Flinn, Mayor

Friday, July 27, 2018

Channel 7 Report: Dangerous Drive: Traffic apps save motorists time, hurt neighborhoods (Thurs., 7/26/2018)

(WSVN) - Traffic apps on your phone can be a huge time saver to beat South Florida traffic. But many of those routes go through residential neighborhoods, and the people who live there say that’s creating a dangerous drive. 7’s Andrew Scheinthal has more in our special report.

Does the following sound familiar?:
Alfredo Dieppa: “They give me the finger. They told me to go to hell. I’m very concerned for my safety and the safety of others.”
7News watched as drivers rolled through stop signs, sped past bicyclists and got way too close to some ducks.
Alfredo Dieppa: “All of a sudden, all of these streets have become like a shortcut for people.”
CLICK HERE to read the entire article and video online.
Mayor Eugene Flinn, Palmetto Bay: “We’re spending a lot of money on police enforcement and public works infrastructure to try to address the traffic and try to slow it down.”
Palmetto Bay Mayor Eugene Flinn says one of his biggest issues is that the apps show where police officers are located.
Mayor Eugene Flinn: “The only reason to identify where the location of the officers are is to enable people to drive in excess or contrary to law.”

 We continue work to combat the issues created, including through our CITE program.

CLICK HERE for more information: CITE is working - we are working to make Palmetto Bay traffic safer

Your Mayor,

Eugene Flinn

Palmetto Bay Village Center litigation - PCA AFFIRMED in favor of Village of Palmetto Bay

Breaking News- the Circuit Court of the 11th Judicial Circuit, sitting in its Appellate Capacity, AFFIRMS Palmetto Bay Village Council in the Palmetto Bay Village Center action

Congratulations to our Village Attorney Dexter Lehtinen for a significant victory for Palmetto Bay before the 11th Judicial Circuit (acting in its appellate capacity) in the appellate case, Case No.: 16-210 AP, Bette April Burch v. Village of Palmetto Bay, FL, et al.

This is vindication.  The Court has confirmed that Palmetto Bay has acted appropriately and well within the law in the decisions relating to the Palmetto Bay Village Center.

The 11th Judicial Circuit (acting in its appellate capacity) released its opinion in a simple one page order - no rendered opinion, in what is known as a "PCA Affirmed" Order.

This is good news for the Village and establishes Attorney Lehtinen's reputation as a outstanding legal advocate for the Village of Palmetto Bay.  Palmetto Bay has been represented by Dexter W. Lehtinen and Claudio Riedi of Lehtinen Schultz Riedi Catalano de la Fuente, PLLC.
CLICK HERE to view a Florida Legal Blog article - Florida Appellate Procedure Blog, Florida Appeals 101: What is a PCA?

Photo update - progress of construction of permanent Station 62 located off Old Cutler Road and 142nd Street

The Ground Breaking was held February 5, 2018.  Here is the status of the construction of Station 62.  Thank you Omar "OB" Blanco for the tour provided on Thursday, July 26, 2018.
CLICK HERE to view prior posts and photos relating to Station 62 and life safety in Palmetto Bay.

The original estimate for completion was 400 days from start of construction.  There have been rain days (built in to the schedule).  The project currently remains on schedule. This will be the permanent home for Engine 62 once completed. Engine 62 currently operates out of temporary quarters next door to the new site.

This station is starting to take shape. The value to the life-safety of this area will be immeasurable.  The Palmetto Bay and Pinecrest Communities look forward to enhanced life-safety service in the area.  
Your life, or the life of a friend or loved one, might just be saved by service brought closer by this new station.
Official MDFR Rendering of Station 62 when completed
Thank you for the tour, the update which provides me with this opportunity to update my fellow residents.

Thank you to the Team Members of MDFR for your service to our community.
Very truly yours,

Eugene Flinn, Mayor, Palmetto Bay

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Traffic Circle at 168 Street / 82nd Av has a temporary AIPP piece installed under a permanent art piece is selected and installed

Art work installed by Village Staff at the Traffic Circle on Thursday, July 26, 2018. This Art is installed only until the permanent piece goes through the AIPP process and is installed.  

CLICK HERE to view the official Palmetto Bay web page for the Art In Public Places Program (AIPP)
Can you say recycled, reused? Waste not. We have temporarily relocated an Eco Art piece formerly displayed at our Municipal Center to be enjoyed at the traffic circle at 168/82nd. Work is going on as I post. There was no disruption to traffic. I am pleased to see it back on public display for now. Thank you team Palmetto Bay.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Updated IBus Park & Ride Express numbers - Week of July 16 - 20, 2018 - 239 trips total

I am presenting the weekly ridership numbers relating to both the IBus Express Park & Ride as well as regular routes.  

The numbers are for the week of  July 16, 2018 – July 20, 2018: 239 rides total.

Week of July 16 - 20, 2018

AM                        109
PM                        106
Regular route:         24
Total - all routes:   239

How does this compare to prior weeks? (Weekly totals):

Week of July 9 - 13, 2018 

AM                         95
PM                         86
Regular route:        22
Total - all routes:  203

Week of July 2 - 6, 2018

AM                         66
PM                         44
Regular route:        21
Total - all routes:  131

Week of June 25 - 29, 2018

AM                        100
PM                         73
Regular route:        32
Total - all routes:  205

Week of June 18, - 22, 2018

AM                         76
PM                         79
Regular route:        29
Total - all routes:  184

Week of June 11, - 15, 2018

AM                        141
PM                          97
Regular route:        14
Total - all routes:  252

Please CLICK HERE to view prior blog posts relating to the IBus & IBus Express

Very truly yours,

Eugene Flinn, Mayor

Tyler Benjamin - close to completing his Eagle Scout Project - look for the worn flag drop off boxes at Coral Reef Park and Ludovici Park

It is hard work to earn Eagle Scout and Tyler Benjamin is getting close.  He has been working on his project.  You can see his project at both Coral Reef Park and Ludovici Park outside the entrance to the library. The project is nearly completed.  The formal opening/dedication will take place in September after school is back in session

Tyler created a GoFundMe page for his project: https://www.gofundme.com/tylereaglescoutproject The fundraising is needed to raise the funds to purchase the metal boxes and other materials that are needed to permanently install the boxes.
Tyler and Troop 314 fundraising as part of Palmetto Bay's 2018 Camping in the Park & Movie Night
Tyler is working to provide awareness for proper flag etiquette and care through his Eagle Scout Project. Tyler and those part two American flag drop off boxes at the Coral Reef Park and Ludovici Park locations so that people can bring in their worn flags. The worn flags will be collected regularly, for the purpose of conducting public flag retirement ceremonies. (Troop 314 to participate and continue the ritual).  

These photos document the progress as of Sunday, July 22, 2018:
Above - project at Coral Reef Park, box and landscaping installed.
Photos below - work at Ludovici Park, Sunday, July 22, 2018:

Friday, July 20, 2018

Palmetto Bay is certified by the FGBC as a Green City

Great News - 
Palmetto Bay is certified by the FGBC as a Green City
Palmetto Bay Continues to take the LEED in sustainability.
Here is an update

Dear Fellow Palmetto Bay resident,

I am proud to announce that Palmetto Bay was notified today, Friday, July 20, 2018, that Palmetto Bay has been certified as a Green City by the Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC).  We are presently bronze level and expect to move up to Silver when the final certification is complete.

Palmetto Bay's certification as a Green City by the Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) is important to me.  As your Mayor, I have always been committed to responsible environmental stewardship, running a village that is healthy in all respects: in its sense of community, preserving our environment as well as financially.

The FGBC Green Local Government Standard designates Green Cities and Green Counties for outstanding environmental stewardship. It is expected that certified green city and county governments will not only gain recognition and publicity, but also function in a more efficient manner through better internal communication, cost reductions, and effective risk and asset management. 

The planning, persistence and teamwork with administration/staff has paid off.  

Palmetto Bay is green and it gets greener every day. Growth is smart growth - and limited growth. 

What are some of the other examples for Palmetto Bay's environmental initiatives:
  • Solar power initiatives.  Co-sponsoring Solar Co-Ops
  • Prime sponsor of permit fee waiver initiatives for Solar Panel initiative.
  • Championing the efforts to purchase and preserve Thalatta Estate - working with the willing seller to buy the property through the Trust for Public Lands and Florida Communities Trust to bring this property into public ownership for all to enjoy.
  • Went electronic, eliminating paper - for e-newsletters - first created e-currents and now "Your Village At Work."
  • Tree City USA Designation
  • Working for recognition of our green spaces as Florida-Friendly Landscapes. Note that in our Village of Parks, Coral Reef, Palmetto Bay and Perrine Wayside Dog Park were recognized on June 18, 2018. 
  • First municipal building (Coral Reef Park concession building)green certified.
  • First Municipal Center Certified as LEED Platinum.
  • Palmetto Bay Charter member PACE
  • Preserving green space, creation of new green space/parks as well as updating existing green space and parks.  
  • Protecting endangered pine rockland (including the 22 acres on Old Cutler Road).
  • Championed the creation of a Sustainable Community Plan (SCP). 
  • Supporting our Village in creating the Village's Downtown Master Plan and Downtown Urban Village Regulations - awarded the 2017 SMART GROWTH EXCELLENCE AWARD by the Smart Growth Partnership of Southeast Florida (SGP) to the Village of Palmetto Bay (the Village) and Bermello Ajamil & Partners (B&A).
  • And so many, many more initiatives as discussed below.
I was the prime sponsor in bringing 
Palmetto Bay into as a participating municipality with the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact when it was formalized back in 2009/2010. 
Palmetto Bay has led the way in green initiatives, building the first countywide LEED-certified park building at Coral Reef Park, followed by the very first statewide Platinum LEED-certified Village Hall! 

Palmetto Bay seeks to become a model community for energy savings and environmental conservation. The Municipal Center is a testament to this goal. For more information, please feel free to review the following Official Palmetto Bay webpages:
And a few of my past blog posts, including:
Also see the article posted online through the Southeast Florida Regional Compact (an organization I have sponsored participating with):  Village Hall LEED Platinum Certified Facility
There are many, many more articles posted both on the official Palmetto Bay website and my blog detailing our long term work toward a sustainable community.  Join me. 

Your Mayor,

Eugene Flinn

New trial programming - Tinkergarten - Coming to Palmetto Bay Parks in August.

Tinkergarten.  It's a wonderful program where kids and their caretakers learn together by playing in nature.  

Coming to Palmetto Bay in August - two free trial classes in August - 
Coral Reef Park on August 12 at 10:15 am, and 
Outside the Palmetto Bay Library on August 25 at 11 am.  

Participants can sign up at tinkergarten.com

2017-18 School Grades Released – for the public schools located within Palmetto Bay Boundaries.

As reported by our School Superintendent:

SMART Plan update - TPO deferred the decision on the plan to its August 30th meeting. Significant work required this week to prepare and participate.

After hearing hours of speakers, most against the improved bus plan, the Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) deferred the decision on the plan to its August 30th meeting.

I appeared with other government officials and many residents -all of whom I thank for taking the time to appear and present so passionately. 
State Rep. Kionne McGhee (Left) and Palmetto Bay Mayor Eugene Flinn (right)
We need rail, which will provide substantial release and if not rail then: “Why are we talking about spending a quarter of $1 billion to dress up what we already have? Why aren’t we working on a plan to get to where we really need to be"

Millennials said without real rapid transit they may have to find work in another town.

“My generation is tired of getting taxed every time we make a purchase in Miami and then see no results,“ said young voter Mark Merwitzer.

Why is this important? Rail will take significantly more cars off the road - per Miami-Dade County's own study (Page 26 of the Miami-Dade County DTPW South Corridor Rapid Transit Project, Preliminary Engineering & Environmental Report):

Don't be fooled - there is no middle ground, no interim step to rail

This meeting provided several important clarifications, including that as of now, there is no “middle” or “interim” grounds. It is clear that BRT will be a permanent mode of transportation if it is selected as “the locally preferred” option and built.  We should not be naive and believe another promise that BRT now will build ridership to where we can retrofit to rail.  There are 6 corridors to the SMART plan.  At best, we would be moved to the back of the line waiting for the remaining 2-6 corridors to be completed - which may be never.  

Media coverage: 

South Dade bus plan hits speed bump as board delays vote after demands for Metrorail, by Douglas Hanks, Miami Herald, July 20, 2018

See the full CBS Local article online: Miami-DadeDefers Vote To Decide On Transportation Dilemma Until Late August, by Gary Nelson, CBS Local, July 19, 2018

Enhanced Bus Service Over Rail, A Step in the Wrong Direction, by Rene Infante, Community Newspapers

People left so fast, we were not able to get a complete group photo.  Thank you all.
The team has much work to do. We need everyone to get engaged in this effort that will determine the future of South Miami-Dade.

I want to thank our TPO.  I also want to specially recognize our County Commissioner, Daniella Levine Cava and Commission Chair Esteban Bovo.  We met with Pinecrest and Staff for both Palmetto Bay, Pinecrest and TPO/County earlier in the week to discuss this plan and our relative positions [Pinecrest voted 3-2 to support BRT, Palmetto Bay has remain steadfast in two prior resolutions (both supported 5-0) for Rail as the locally preferred option].
July 18 - I also want to thank County Commissioner Xavier Suarez for his leadership in working to unwind the 1/2 cent sales tax and reallocate it to its proper purpose.  I joined the commissioner, FL House Minority Leader Kionne L McGhee D-117th Naranja and local South Miami-Dade Mayors Peggy Bell D-Cutler Bay, Eugene Flinn D-Palmetto Bay and Cindy Lerner D-Pinecrest Coral Gables Commissioner Vince Lago for the PRESS CONFERENCE ON METRORAIL EXTENSION

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Honoring one of our motor officers and a mother - well deserved recognition for role model - motor Officer Lisa Ferro

It was my honor to recognize one of our motor officers, Ofc Lisa Ferro. I had a hard time surprising her.  She did appeared with her family for the Special Council meeting of Monday, July 17, for the presentation.

MDPD's only female Motorcycle Officer Lisa Ferro was recognized  for her commitment and dedication. Thank you for all your hard work and for being a role model for all - especially to women and youth!

Keeping our village safe and raising a family.  Let us not forget the personal family side our officers have to balance.  
PBA's magazine "Heat" - cover with Motor Ofc Lisa Ferro

Monday, July 16, 2018

Updated IBus Park & Ride Express numbers - Week of July 9 - 13, 2018 - 203 trips total

I am presenting the weekly ridership numbers relating to both the IBus Express Park & Ride as well as regular routes.  

The numbers are for the week of  July 9, 2018 – July 13, 2018: 213 rides total.

Week of July 9 - 13, 2018 

AM                         95
PM                         86
Regular route:        22
Total - all routes:  203

How does this compare to prior weeks? (Weekly totals):

Week of July 2 - 6, 2018

AM                         66
PM                         44
Regular route:        21
Total - all routes:  131

Week of June 25 - 29, 2018

AM                        100
PM                         73
Regular route:        32
Total - all routes:  205

Week of June 18, - 22, 2018

AM                         76
PM                         79
Regular route:        29
Total - all routes:  184

Week of June 11, - 15, 2018

AM                        141
PM                          97
Regular route:        14
Total - all routes:  252

Please CLICK HERE to view prior blog posts relating to the IBus & IBus Express

Very truly yours,

Eugene Flinn, Mayor