Thursday, January 31, 2019

This meeting may be important for residents, especially those who reside along canals. FWC holding public meetings to gather input on aquatic plant management

FWC holding public meetings to gather input on aquatic plant management. There is no local meeting listed for South Florida - And note that this is Florida Fish and Wildlife (FWC), NOT the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). The SFWMD is the owner/operator of the C100 canals that run through Palmetto Bay.  FWC is Statewide and the information here may be of interest, of impact, to SFWMD as well as our Palmetto Bay community.

This e-mail notice does clearly state that "These meetings will provide the public with an opportunity to provide feedback about management activities on Florida water bodies during the past 12 months." without regard to whether these are FWC or ALL "Florida water bodies". Policy set here may affect all other State agencies, such as the SFWMD.

Anyone, especially those who live on a canal may want to monitor this information.

ALL information below provided through an official FWC Email and is provided verbatim below. Information below is the responsibility of the source.

FWC holding public meetings to gather input on aquatic plant management

FWC holding public meetings to gather input on aquatic plant management

Jan. 31, 2019
Suggested Tweet: Public meetings held by @MyFWC to gather input on Aquatic #herbicide treatment program #Invasiveplants #news
FWC holding public meetings to gather input on aquatic plant management  
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is holding several public meetings to gather community input about the agency’s aquatic plant herbicide treatment program.
These meetings will provide the public with an opportunity to provide feedback about management activities on Florida water bodies during the past 12 months.
The meetings will be held at the following times and locations (all meetings are from 5:30-8:30 p.m. local time):
  • Feb. 6 – Kissimmee: County Commission Chambers, fourth-floor Osceola County Administration Building, 1 Courthouse Square
  • Feb. 7 – Okeechobee: Okeechobee County Civic Center, 1750 U.S. Highway 98 N.
  • Feb. 13 – Sebring: Bert J. Harris, Jr. Agri-Civic Center, 4509 George Blvd.
  • Feb. 26 – Eustis: Eustis Community Center, 601 Northshore Dr. 
There will be a Gainesville area meeting scheduled with the date and time to be determined. For updated information on meeting times and locations go to and click on “Invasive Plants.”
Comments may also be sent to 
Invasive plants degrade and diminish Florida's waterways by displacing native plant communities. Some invasive aquatic plants pose a significant threat to human welfare and cause economic problems by impeding flood control and affecting recreational use of waterways.

Facebook group: Cyclists Against Distracted Drivers - C.A.D.D.

A Facebook page (C.A.D.D.) has been formed with the intent to fight against Distracted Drivers in the South Florida area.  Cycling deaths are the catalyst for the creation, but this page is far more than cycling as anyone on our roads is at risk of injury or death caused by a distracted driver. Pedestrians, other drivers, passengers - children in child seats are at risk.

C.A.D.D. is a collaboration page where your support, ideas and suggestions are highly welcomed. All groups need to work together to change the laws in Florida.

There is now a platform where the South Florida cycling community can come together and address these issues as one.

The administrators of this Facebook page created it in memory of fallen cycling friends, some of which are specifically mentioned below:

Denise Marsh
Carlos Rodriguez
Chris Mohr
Walter Reyes
Aaron Cohen
Christophe LeCanne
Omar Otaola

plus so many others...

Related post: November 26, 2018, When will it end? The time has passed for far too many who have waited for the legislature to act on distracted driving

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

EBC Advocacy Team participated in Sunrise Police Department Bike Summit with the heads of South Florida cycling clubs, including Cycling Family Broward, teams and groups to come up with real solutions for bike safety.

EBC Advocacy Team participated in Sunrise Police Department Bike Summit with the heads of South Florida cycling clubs, including Cycling Family Broward, teams and groups to come up with real solutions for bike safety.

I am pleased to be part of the EBC (Everglades Bike Club) Advocacy Team working for public safety. Sue Kawalerski, Peter Gorshi, MD, and I attended the Summit representing the EBC Advocacy Team at a City of Sunrise Bike Summit on January 29, 2019. The EBC was invited to attend to participate as part of an ongoing effort by the Sunrise Police Department with the heads of South Florida cycling clubs, including Michael Gale, Publisher of Cycling Quarterly, Cycling Family Broward, cycling teams and groups to come up with real solutions for bike safety.

The City of Sunrise was represented by Mayor Michael J. Ryan, also an avid cyclist. Nick Sortal, triathlete and member of the Plantation City Council also participated.

The Sunrise Police participated in full force starting with their Chief, Anthony W. Rosa, and many of the police leadership team. The Sunrise presentation was spearheaded by Ofc Allen Stotler (pictured, left). Members of the Sunrise City Engineers and Sunrise departments participated.

This was not a "photo Op". This is a part of an ongoing coordinated effort to improve the safety of our road ways. Complete Streets are part of improved safety. Sunrise Mayor Ryan was proud to point out that The City of Sunrise is nominated in two categories for award for two of its bike lanes projects at The Safe Streets Summit to be held in late February in Miami. I did point out that Palmetto Bay has also been recognized for its Safe Streets  work to date as Palmetto Bay is also a nominee in the Miami-Dade County section for the Complete Streets Community Award.

Prior related posts on Bike Safety - CLICK HERE.
Prior related posts on Distracted Driving - CLICK HERE.

Efforts are ongoing in Miami-Dade County. While Mayor, it was my privilege to represent Palmetto Bay in meetings of County Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava's "Dead Serious" campaign, a collaborative effort that has included residents and officials throughout District 8, Pinecrest, Cutler Bay and Palmetto Bay, as well as representatives of Miami-Dade County, district 8. Miami-Dade County Parks, TPO, Bike 305, Everglades Bike Club (EBC), FDOT, Police and University of Miami.

I will keep everyone up to date on the efforts to improve the safety of our roads, local, statewide as well as nationally; to create a peaceful co-existence for all: motorists, cyclists, pedestrians. Remember – students, our children, the youngest of our community are all involved in commuting to school through all three methods of traffic. Drive safe. We aware. Don't text and drive.

Eugene Flinn

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Please donate to the Livablecutler 2019 effort. Go Fund Me page set up. Watch your donation grow!

Please considering stepping up and making a donation to help support Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Native Plant Drive - goal is $3,500.00.  You can donate by name or anonymously.  

This is one donation where you can actually watch your investment grow!

You can access the gofundme page and make your donation by CLICKING HERE.  

Thank you!
Since 2014 the Livablecutler community from the grassroots and with hundreds of volunteers has been restoring coastal wetlands and uplands along Old Cutler Rd in South Dade. 

Five years at it and great progress has been  made. 

Funds are needed to supplement the existing wetlands and pineland prairy plantings and continue to expand the ecological restoration footprint. 

Please donate what you can, and just as important your time to this worthy effort.  

The funds raised will be used solely to purchase native plants.

Livablecutler will announce future volunteer work days to plant these in early 2019.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Congrats Team Palmetto Bay - a nominee for the 2019 Safe Streets Awards. Will the current Mayor and Council remain committed to Palmetto Bay's policy of Complete Streets Guidelines?

Congratulations Village of Palmetto Bay. Let's keep the success moving forward. 

Hard teamwork during 2017 & 2018 is paying off and the Village is set to be recognized. The Urban Health Partnerships has announced the nominees for the 2019 Safe Streets Awards. The Safe Streets Awards are an opportunity to highlight individuals and jurisdictions that have led by example in creating better streets for all users. Palmetto Bay is nominated in the Miami-Dade County section for the Complete Streets Community Award. The nominees are as follows:

Bike Walk Coral Gables (BWCG)
City of Doral
The Street Plans Collaborative
Village of Palmetto Bay

A complete list of the nominees (regardless of category) is posted at end of this blog (Miami-Dade County only).

Here are the facts relating to Complete Streets and Palmetto Bay's buy in to date.

We need to keep this work on complete streets, including bike lanes, etc., et. al. going strong.  

I suggest that this current council take a look at policy set to date by prior administrations, specifically Resolution 2017-67,  (sponsored by Mayor Eugene Flinn) wherein the Village Council unanimously adopted  Miami-Dade County’s “Complete Streets Guidelines” and directed that these guidelines should be incorporated into the planning, design, approval, and implementation processes for any construction, reconstruction, retrofit, maintenance, alteration, or repair of streets, bridges, or other portions of the transportation network, including pavement resurfacing, restriping, and signalization operations if the safety and convenience of all types of users (i.e., pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and public transit riders, including children, youth, families, older adults, and individuals with disabilities) can be improved within the scope of the work.

The 2014-2018 Village Council directed the Village Manager to incorporate, whenever feasible, the Complete Streets Guidelines into the operations of any Village departments responsible for the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of County streets, bridges, and other portions of the transportation network and adjust any impacted standards so that they are consistent with the recommendations in the Complete Streets Guidelines.

Related Post: January 13, 2019, The Miami Foundation - Safer Street Talk: How We will Reduce Pedestrian and Bicyclists Deaths - detailing some of the collaboration that Palmetto Bay has been a part of to date in Safe Streets

With this in mind, and specifically considering the current award nomination for past policy and achievements, I strongly suggest that the current Mayor and Council read the Complete Streets Guidelines and determine whether this newly elected council wants to revisit the concept of and Palmetto Bay's future commitment to Complete Streets.

COMPLETE STREETS – Miami-Dade County resources:

Per the County webpage:
Do you want safer streets in your community? Do you want to be able to get around by bike, foot, transit and automobile? Do you need help calming traffic in your community? Check out the Complete Streets Design Guidelines.” 
(Click link above to view)

PALMETTO BAY  votes on Complete Streets under past administrations:

Several important votes were taken in 2017 in line with the “Complete Streets Guidelines” policy. Among these votes:

Bike lane improvements

June  5, 2017   Reso 2017-77 - 82nd Avenue from SW 160th Street to SW 168th Street (approved 5-0)

April 19, 2017  Reso 2017-47 - Joint Participation (JPA) between Pinecrest, Miami-Dade and Palmetto Bay in design and construction of bike lane improvements on SW 136th Street from US1 to Old Cutler Road (approved 4-1, Vice Mayor opposed).

Note that Miami-Dade County has acted on this matter, in the memorandum dated October 23, 2018, Agenda Item No.: 8(N)(4) recommending approval of the resolution authorizing the execution of a Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) between MDC and Palmetto Bay. CLICK HERE to view the memorandum posted online at 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Transparency dictates that both these resolutions (at a minimum) should be brought forward and either rescinded or modified to conformed to properly reflect the policy and intention of the incoming Mayor and Village Council.


The Safe Streets Awards are an opportunity to highlight individuals and jurisdictions that have led by example in creating better streets for all users.


Miami-Dade County

•            Meg Daly, Founder and President/CEO of Friends of the Underline
•            Anthony Garcia, Principal, The Street Plans Collaborative
•            Robert Ruano, Founding and Current Chairman of Bike Walk Coral Gables (BWCG)
•            Jason Spiegel, Founder of Freebee
•            Patrice Gillespie Smith, Sr. Manager of the Miami Downtown Development Authority’s (DDA) Planning, Design & Transportation Department


Miami-Dade County
•            Bike Walk Coral Gables (BWCG)
•            City of Doral
•            Freebee
•            The Street Plans Collaborative
•            Village of Palmetto Bay


•            Avenue 3 Miami Quick Build
•            City of Sunrise - Sunset Strip Boulevard Complete Streets Project
•            Clematis Streetscape Project
•            Old Dixie Highway Complete Streets Project
•            Palmetto Park Road Shared Path Improvements
•            Pinecrest Elevation Drive
•            Shady Lakes Drive Extension and Shady Lakes Drive and PGA Boulevard Intersection Improvements
•            US-1 Complete Streets Project in Village of Tequesta

•            SW 152 St Separated Bike Lanes

Editor's note: This information provided by Eugene Flinn for purposes of transparency and to document past and present County and Municipal policy relating to complete streets and bike lanes in Palmetto Bay.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Alachua County has become the first county in Florida to raise the minimum age for tobacco sales from 18 to 21. Miami Herald reports.

No butts about it. 

Alachua County has become the first county in Florida to raise the minimum age for tobacco sales from 18 to 21.  This is an issue for more than our Florida College towns. The tobacco / vaping habits start young for many long term users.  

Many of our local schools are working with both students and their parents to combat this epidemic. Many local Public schools have held anti-vaping educational meetings, including the schools that serve Palmetto Bay and Pinecrest. 

While the Miami-Dade School Board can take action which includes compulsory signing no-tobacco (anti-vaping) pledges by students, Florida School Boards do not have legislative authority over what is sold in the general community. That is where Alachua County stepped in.

Cigarettes / e-cigarettes are obviously not sold on school grounds I point this obvious fact out as a predicate for the position that this is one issue where State and/or the local governments need to do the heavy lifting as the problems come from the communities into the schools. This one of many areas where the locals need to help out the schools, in order to take this burden off their list of responsibilities that divert time from their core mission to teach.

Photo Credit: Miami Herald
Will Miami-Dade County, or local municipalities including the Village of Palmetto Bay, Village of Pinecrest, and/or the Town of Cutler Bay take up any discussion or similar action? 

Palmetto Bay still has time to get a proposal or at least agenda discussion on the Agenda for the February Regular Council Meeting.

See full report about Alachua County's recent action online Miami Herald by Howard Cohen, You must now be 21 to buy tobacco in this Florida college town, joining a national trend, Jan 24, 2019.

So, elected officials of Palmetto Bay, Pinecrest, Cutler Bay and Miami-Dade County, will this at least merit a discussion? 

What say ye?

Eugene Flinn

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Update on the World’s Doomsday Clock. The ‘new abnormal’ and its not just about the nuclear threat, it’s about the livability of our world, globally

Discussion topic of the day - Update on the World’s Doomsday Clock - See what Newser has published. Time to move on from the 'green sheen' and make some real changes.

The World’s Doomsday Clock time is marked by more than just the nuclear threat; though that is in the top two threats listed (no ranking between 1 or 2). As cited in the article, climate change is cited as one of two major threats:
"We're running out of time,” says board member Susan Soloman. "If we don't start reducing emissions in this next decade, it's pretty clear we'll have a world we don't want to live in."
Please read the complete article (Posted Jan 24, 2019), by Arden Dier,  Newser Staff, Scientists Reveal New Doomsday Clock Reading, It remains at 2 minutes to armageddon, what group calls the 'new abnormal':
(NEWSER) – "A new abnormal: It is still two minutes to midnight," the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said Thursday in revealing its Doomsday Clock, the symbolic timepiece representing humanity's proximity to an apocalypse of its own making. Never before has the clock been closer to midnight, reports CBS Chicago. The current reading of 11:58—decided among board members, including 15 Nobel laureates—was first reached at the height of the Cold War in 1953, then again last year. "We expect to be here for some time, in this precarious situation, which is why we're calling it the 'new abnormal,'" CEO Rachel Bronson tells the Washington Post. Per NBC News, she notes there is in fact "nothing normal about the complex and frightening reality we are describing."
EDITOR'S OBSERVATION: There is a lot of work to do - improving and enhancing public transportation, reducing our carbon footprint, stopping urban sprawl, addressing out of date/ineffective individual home septic systems, building green. Real changes are needed, not merely 'greenwashing'.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Traffic pressure from development moves south while the transportation dollars to address it flows smoothly to the north

Nothing from the locals? Is there any update as to input from our South Dade Communities on this County development plan?

We are set to get the development, but not the promised rail extension that we were promised to lure us to approve the ½ cent transportation sales tax. We have dutifully paid this tax over the past decades.  Bus is not rail, no matter how many bells and whistles you attach to it.  Now we get to pay even more for the approved Metrorail extension to the north. The increased tax revenue proposed to be collected from the increased development in the south will flow north to fund the extension to the north, along with our ½ cent sales tax proceeds, all while we get to enjoy unmitigated increased traffic.

Is this proposed density a done deal? Would it even matter if we reduced the Palmetto Bay’s downtown district to strawberry fields? The acreage that runs along the proposed transportation line will surely overwhelm present transportation levels, even with the promised additional express buses, while pushing development further south and west, putting even more pressure on the County Commission to extend the UDB.

I assume that there have been briefings from our district commissioners to the municipal leadership.  Developmental decisions don't happen in a vacuum. See Miami Herald online: Miami-Dadepasses plan to let developers build more near Metrorail, transit routes, by Douglas Hanks, Jan. 24, 2019:

Miami-Dade is moving closer to allowing larger buildings along current and future transit routes, part of a plan to get more people to live closer to bus and rail service.

County commissioners on Wednesday revised Miami-Dade’s development rules to allow for more density in the six corridors that make up the Strategic Miami Area Rapid Transit Plan — best known as the SMART Plan. Launched in 2016, it is funding consultant studies to recommend new transit plans for some of the county’s busiest commuting routes.

Last year, the commission approved a massive tax zone enveloping the 55 miles of SMART corridors and existing 25 miles of Metrorail tracks. The zone stretched out half a mile on either side of the most of the corridors. When a property’s value inside the zone rises more than 4.5 percent in any given year, that money gets diverted to build future transit projects.

Silence by the local officials is acquiescence. Actually, silence is approval, endorsement – and possibly neglect, predicated upon what occurs long term. Were any positions in opposition advocated or objections put in by the municipal councils of Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay, Cutler Bay? This is imposition of density without the commensurate improvement in mass transit. More traffic to be supported by roads once (reasonably) thought to be neighborhood roads.  Our South Dade municipalities were once united in demanding and working hard for Metrorail, but the unified effort has obviously come off the rails. New councils in each area = new priorities.

However, Council Member David Singer, one current member of the Palmetto Bay Village Council, has proposed legal action to protect our rights on the TPO's failure to deliver on the promises of the 1/2 cent sales tax. Is there any interest from the current Mayor and council to take a serious look at this proposal, especially as the stakes have been raised due to recent development plans?

Pinecrest is all in for BRT – by why should the Pinecrest Council fight for those to their South? Pinecrest is served by 2 Metrorail stations, Dadeland North & South. The circumstances are much different for the areas from Palmetto Bay south.  Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay should not give up on Metrorail. I would like to see an update on what action has been taken by the current Mayors and Councils, what information has been disseminated to each mayor and council member internally as well as at the Chamber South Transportation Committee.

Now, not later, is the time to act.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Update on the Unsolicited Proposal for the Mixed-Use Downtown Development for the Village of Palmetto Bay: BID OPENING DATE CHANGE: Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 3:00 PM

Once again, the bid opening for the unsolicited bid for the Mixed-Use Downtown Development for the Village of Palmetto Bay has been extended. The new opening date is Thursday, March 7, 2019, as officially noticed by the Village of Palmetto Bay. (Everyone must rely upon official notice, this is for my personal information dissemination only). 

This could be positive news as perhaps this was done at request of a qualified company that is serious about putting in a bid on UP No. 1819-00-002 for a project that will make Palmetto Bay proud. Or perhaps there is negotiation going on behind the scenes and the project plans are being modified and resubmitted or submitted by other bidders with additional information.

Personally, I look forward to the opening of the proposals. This process has generated significant rumors among current village insiders and the result has even triggered attempts to modify how Palmetto Bay manages unsolicited bids.

I have no further information other than what is contained in this legal notice, published by the Village of Palmetto Bay Clerk - all legal/official communication is per statute/village code and as specified by the village, including that information as provided by the Village Clerk, see generally or CLICK HERE to view the pending proposals page:

 CLICK HERE to view all prior blog posts relating to Unsolicited Bids.

I will keep you advised as I have not seen any information actively provided to us, the General Public.

Feel free to contact me with any information you may have on the pending bid process.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Invasive snakes - working to save the Everglades ecosystem one snake at at time. SFWMD is now up to 1,971. That's nearly 2.5 miles of snakes.

SFWMD Python Hunters Nearing 2,000 Snakes Eliminated
District program now utilizing additional technologies to efficiently find and eliminate invasive Burmese pythons
SFWMD's python hunters have now eliminated 1,971 of the invasive snakes on District lands, stretching a combined length of almost 2.5 miles and collectively weighing more than 11.5 tons. ....
The invasive Burmese python, which breeds and multiplies quickly and has no natural predator in the Everglades ecosystem, has decimated native populations of wildlife. The more that can be eliminated, especially females and their eggs, the better chance future generations of native wildlife will have to thrive in the Everglades ecosystem that Floridians have invested billions of dollars to restore.
CLICK HERE to read the January 23, 2019 update from the South Florida Water Management District 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

HEALTH OFFICIALS LIFT RABIES ALERT for Palmetto Bay. This relates to the November 2018 Otter attack.

                                               HEALTH OFFICIALS LIFT RABIES ALERT

Miami-The Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade (DOH-Miami-Dade) has lifted the rabies alert for the Palmetto Bay area (boundaries included SW 144th Street to the North, SW 184th Street to the South, Biscayne Bay to the East, US 1 to the West).  The alert had been in place since November 21, 2018.
There has not been another positive laboratory result for rabies within 60 days. This is an appropriate time frame to lift the health advisory. However, in Florida there is a risk of rabies transmission year-round.  
The rabies alert was issued back in November, 2018, covering Palmetto Bay. due to the rabid otter bit a person and at least three other people were possibly exposed to the deadly disease in the area at that time.

PRIOR RELATED POST:  November 21, 2018, Urgent Alert: Palmetto Bay under a rabies alert - Please make sure you and your pets are protected -  CLICK HERE to read founding Mayor Flinn's e-blast alert from November 2018.

This rabies alert covered these boundaries within Palmetto Bay:
  • SW 144th Street to the North
  • SW 184th Street to the South
  • Biscayne Bay to the East
  • US 1 to the West
Here are some tips from the Department of Health to avoid exposure:
  • Keep rabies vaccinations up to date for all pets.
  • Keep your pets under direct supervision so they do not come in contact with wild animals and contact Miami-Dade Animal Services at 3-1-1 if you have concerns.
  • Call 3-1-1 to report any stray dogs in your neighborhood or private property. Owners can hire a nuisance wildlife trapper for removal of wildlife.
  • If your pet is bitten by a wild animal, seek veterinary assistance for the animal immediately and contact Miami-Dade Animal Services at 3-1-1.
  • Do not handle, feed or unintentionally attract wild animals with open garbage cans or littler.
  • Do not leave food sources out for wildfire such as pet food or unsecured garbage.
  • Avoid contact with stray and feral animals.
  • Never adopt wild animals or bring them into your home.
  • Teach children never to handle unfamiliar animals, wild or domestic, even if they appear friendly.
  • Prevent bats from entering living quarters or occupied spaces in homes, churches, schools and other similar areas where they might come in contact with people and pets.
  • Persons who have been bitten or scratched by wild or domestic animals should seek medical attention and report the injury to the Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County at 305-324-2400.
"The only treatment for human exposure to rabies is rabies-specific immune globulin and rabies immunization," health officials cautioned. "Appropriate treatment started soon after the exposure will protect an exposed person from the disease."

For further information on rabies, go to, or contact DOH-Miami-Dade at 305-470-5660.

The Department works to protect, promote and improve the health of all people in Florida
through integrated state, county and community efforts.

Follow Florida Health on Twitter at @HealthyFla and on Facebook. For more information about the Florida Department of Health please visit

I will continue to keep you advised as will official Palmetto Bay Government and Miami-Dade County media.

Eugene Flinn

Amazing Photos of the Super Blood Wolf Moon of 2019! Follow the link and enjoy

Amazing Photos of the Super Blood Wolf Moon of 2019!  49 outstanding photos posted.

Yes, I am a science nerd. Nature is a wonder. I love amateur astronomy and watching events like the Super Blood Wolf Moon as it unfolded over this weekend. I did not make it out to Sadowski Park in Palmetto Bay to see if the Southern Cross Astronomical Society had an event.

I continue to blog about these events, such as 4 years ago, Jan. 27, 2015, Wolf Moon Star Party event in Palmetto Bay Friday, Feb 6, 7-10 PM - Family event hosted by the Southern Cross Astronomical Society, when we had the lesser, merely Wolf Moon event, neither a lunar eclipse or super.

Check our Space . com - always interesting.


Eugene Flinn

Monday, January 21, 2019

Celebrating the leadership of Martin Luther King. Jan 21, 2019

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr., Day

Today, Monday, January 21, 2019, is the day we celebrate the Martin Luther King Holiday, part of the 3 day holiday weekend.

I have posted a link to watch a posting on YouTube of the "I Have A Dream Speech" of August 28, 1963. Please take the time to view this important and inspiring historical statement.


For more information, check out 10 Things You May Not Know About Martin Luther King Jr., on by Christopher Klein.

Happy Martin Luther King Holiday

Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse did not disappoint in Palmetto Bay. I hope you caught it. It will not occur for us again until 2021. POD

Blood Moon, Wolf Moon, Super Moon.  All of the above.

Late night family time in Palmetto Bay (as well as many other places). Beginning late in the night of of Jan. 20, 2019, the moon passed through Earth's shadow in a total lunar eclipse during the Full Wolf Moon. This is also known as a "supermoon."  I have posted some photos.

My photos were taken with my smart phone and are far from great quality; the photos it took serve merely to document that I saw something in the night sky. I am posting a couple as well as some better photos taken by friends who were better equipped to document this family celestial event. 
Thankfully, the sky was clear. The evening was the coldest in quite some time.
Hopefully you were able to share this evening with family.

Friday, January 18, 2019

15 story Power Lines for US1, our main street? Its time to reengage.

The threat of humongous power lines are back!  Get ready. Get engaged. This is not the time to merely say it's bad, now is the time to be decisive and formulate a united plan with our South Miami-Dade neighbors.

11:30 AM update - You ask, I respond. I am posting 2 photos demonstrating what I am told is the actual route. It appears that Cutler Bay will be spared, until Cutler Bay's commuters reach North Palmetto Bay.
It appears that the proposed power lines come into/adjacent to Palmetto Bay at US1 at the canal just South of the Colonial Palms Shopping Center, south of 136th Street, and then turn North up along US1.

Will the current Palmetto Bay Village Council be one of advocacy, to protect our quality of life or submission in order to avoid controversy in order to protect their own political positions? 

See Miami Miami Herald, Jan. 18, 2019, 15-story FPL power lines would be a jolt to the Underline, neighborhoods, businesses, by Linda Robertson:

Florida Power & Light is not giving up on its determination to string about 27 miles of line atop towers standing 9 to 15 stories tall despite a 2016 Florida appeals court decision that rejected the proposal, ruling that Gov. Rick Scott and his Cabinet erred in approving construction and ignored local zoning rules. FPL went back to the Cabinet — acting as the state Power Plant Siting Board — on Nov. 30 and has again received the go-ahead to erect a 230-kilovolt line along U.S. 1 from Cutler Bay to Coconut Grove. FPL said it needs to increase the capacity of its existing network to provide reliable future service. The city of South Miami, which straddles U.S. 1, will fight FPL, as it and other cities have for a decade, and hopes to win again, Mayor Philip Stoddard said. “The siting board rubber-stamped FPL’s wish list like it did previously, so that’s no surprise,” said Stoddard, vowing to appeal. “Making our cities look like an industrial zone hurts property values. People don’t like giant electrical poles. It’s not just a question of aesthetics. It’s a question of money.”

Photo credit - Miami Herald
While Mayor of Palmetto Bay (in 2010), I sponsored resolution 2010-32, waaaaaay back on April 12, 2010 which, in part voiced opposition to the siting transmission power lines down U.S. Highway 1; opposing the proposed routes along U.S.Highway One and was part of the actual opposition to the power line plan.  

Palmetto Bay joined in league with Coral Gables, South Miami and Pinecrest (to name some of of the co-plaintiffs). Palmetto Bay was once part of the legal coalition until the subsequent administration cut and run, leaving the court action to Pinecrest and South Miami to win – and win they did - and South Dade residents were protected - for a while.  

Now FPL is back, and only Mayor Philip Stoddard of South Miami remains in office to join this issue once again.  Current leadership of Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay should follow his lead and join into a united front to protect our communities. 

TALLAHASSEE: In face of local opposition, FPL seeks Cabinet OK for transmission lines - Political Currents -
The leadership of Pinecrest and South Miami have taken the lead on this issue of neighborhood protection. The Miami Herald reports that these power lines are projected to run from Cutler Bay through Pinecrest, South Miami and Coral Gables to a substation in Coconut Grove. The towers would be built alongside Metrorail and down U.S. 1, past Cadillac show rooms, Porsche dealers, retail malls and through miles of concentrated development.

This is time for definitive action, not talk.