Thursday, September 9, 2021

Showdown vote coming for the Urban Development Boundary in South Miami-Dade County. Any opposition or support by any elected officials from Palmetto Bay, Pinecrest, Cutler Bay, Homestead or Florida City?

Thursday, September 9, 2021, may be another watershed moment in defending the UDB. Where do our current elected officials from the South Dade municipalities stand on this project. Are there any resolutions in support or opposition? (I honestly don’t know as Palmetto Bay has not posted any resolutions passed since December 2019) Will any of the South Dade elected officials appear today to either support or oppose this project. Do we stick to developing land within the current UDB?

There is an article in the Miami Herald that provides the background of this project. Miami Herald subscribers can review the article Showdown vote coming for the Urban Development Boundary in SouthMiami-Dade County, by Douglas Hanks, 9/08/2021.

Reporter Doug Hanks advises that the county’s Regulatory and Economic Resources Department states that South Miami-Dade already has enough vacant industrial land to accommodate new projects through 2040; that if the proposed South Dade Logistics and Technology District industrial park gets built, it would take more than 100 years for the market to absorb the new space.

Shouldn’t our local elected officials make the effort to show up and provide testimony, input as to the impact this project may have on our communities (good or bad). This is what representative government is all about, why we vote to elect people - to represent us.

Palmetto Bay was once a charter member of the “Hold the Line” campaign which opposed extending the UDB. See Palmetto Bay resolution 05-43.

We don’t know where the current administration stands. Maybe we will see our Village officials step forward and advocate in public, before the Board of County Commissioners. Or maybe once again it will be off the record, after the fact, targeted sound bites tailored to the specific audience or person they are addressing. I would also add that what each elected official says may be their opinion, but it is not actually the official policy of any government unless it is discussed in public, voted on and passed as a resolution or other official approved action.

Again, we are at yet another watershed moment for South Dade. Which elected officials will rise to provide South Miami-Dade residents a voice on the future of South Miami-Dade?

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