Thursday, August 22, 2024

Mark Meritzer - knowledgeable and experienced on transit - an issue critical to Palmetto Bay

Update on transportation - and a breath of fresh air - Palmetto Bay has a candidate who actually understands transit and the issues relating to South Miami-Dade County.

Nearly 80% of those who took the time to vote - voted in favor of the non-binding straw poll on transit - "Does Miami-Dade County need to expand its existing rapid mass transit system? (Rapid mass transit is defined here as elevated Metrorail, passenger rail, and/or Metromover)" - as reported in the Miami Herald - Miami-Dade voters overwhelmingly say the county should expand rapid mass transit, by Catherine Odum, updated August 21, 2024

One source? Palmetto Bay's favorite son, Mark Merwitzer, the associate director of the advocacy group Transit Alliance, said he was pleased with the results of the straw poll. He said by voting in favor of this ballot measure, Miami-Dade residents made it clear they don’t want the “status quo” of “more highways and more traffic.” 

Miami-Dade’s growing population has exacerbated congestion and traffic throughout the county. 

Merwitzer added that he commends Gilbert, along with co-sponsor Commissioner Eileen Higgins, for their work.

(source above - the Miami Herald)

My take aways?

1.    Residents have loudly proclaimed their concern as to the state of transit in Miami-Dade County.

2.    Palmetto Bay has a resident - and candidate for Vice Mayor - who clearly understands the issues and is ready to advocate for Palmetto Bay.

3.    Mark Merwitzer has demonstrated that he can work with County leaders on issues of great public importance.

Monday, August 19, 2024

MiamiHal Host Hal Feldman talks with candidate for Palmetto Bay Vice May...

MiamiHal Host Hal Feldman talks with Mark Merwitzer, the policy director at the Transit Alliance. This interview originally aired on May 30, 2024, when Mark had just announced that he is running for the Vice Mayor position in Palmetto Bay.

Friday, August 16, 2024

An outstanding idea - an ideal subject for the Nature Postings Photogenic Nature Workshop - Palmetto Bay's free range chickens & roosters

This is why I put things out on the blog.  I get some great responses.  

One reader suggested that readers and "photo contributors" of the blog should enter the Nature Postings Photogenic Nature Workshop - set for Saturday, August 31, 2024

The following info is provided by official Palmetto Bay sources: This workshop provides the perfect setting for amateur photographers, professionals, and families to experience nature behind the lenses of a camera. Open to all skill levels and ages. All participants will be required to bring their own camera or phone. $10 per person. Register here.

Registration remains open - hurry and register - please don't chicken out!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Reader submissions - Chickens & Roosters multiplying at Coral Reef Park - non-native species appear to be thriving.

 I am posting two photos taken early Wednesday, August 14, 2024. Where did the chickens come from? And no, this is not an invitation to engage in the which came first - the chicken or the egg

The children of our village have grown up with the recent duck slaughter. How long will it be before proper action will be taken against those who are irresponsibly releasing chickens into Palmetto Bay?


July 29, 2024, A new exercise opportunity for Coral Reef Park - here now : "The ROCKY II Chicken Chase"

July 22, 2024, Coral Reef Park and the Mangowood community have a morning wake up alarm.

August 1, 2024, Chickens can be raised properly in Palmetto Bay - It was done. That was before Ordinance 2023-12.

This could be funny except for how the ducks were slaughtered in Coral Reef Parks. Will the chickens meet the same violent end?

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August 7 - Purple Heart Day. Remembering America's Veterans - special recognition for Purple Heart recipients

Palmetto Bay became the first South Florida "Purple Heart City" in 2016 - as per resolution 2016-40 that I was proud to sponsor as Mayor of Palmetto Bay.  It remains important to continue this recognition.

This is a national day of recognition. Purple Heart Day is observed on August 7 each year and is a time for Americans to pause to remember and honor the brave men and women who were either wounded on the battlefield or paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives.

See Channel 10 News online: Palmetto Bay becomes first Purple Heart city in South Florida - Flag-raising ceremony held to commemorate honor, By Peter Burke - Local Managing Editor, posted: 1:22 PM, August 10, 2016.

See prior related post of August 12, 2016, Recognizing our Purple Heart Awardees. Palmetto Bay is now a Purple Heart City! where there are additional photos from this 2016 event

CLICK HERE to view other related posts recognizing our Veterans for their service.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Congratulations to Kirsten Faulkner - Gold Medalist - Women's Road Cycling

Congratulations to Kirsten Faulkner - She only began cycling as a hobby in 2017 - and dominates the Olympic road cycling event in 2024!  Inspiring.

As reported online by NBC News: 

It was the "upset of a lifetime" in women's road cycling as American Kristen Faulkner surged ahead of the pack to secure gold at the end of the race.

Faulkner was not a favorite to win this race but the former rower crossed the finish line almost a full minute ahead of Netherlands' Marianne Vos and Belgium's Lotte Kopecky.

This is the first Olympics for Faulkner, who did not qualify on her own for the race and was added to Team USA at the last minute. She only began cycling as a hobby in 2017, saying it provided an outlet for her venture capitalist job in New York City.

“It was kind of my outlet every day to get into Central Park and ride for two hours away from the bustle of the city,” Faulkner told NBC News last month.

A great story.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Transit on the ballot in Miami-Dade as officials look to expand Metromov...

See Channel 10 online for the full story - excerpts below:

MIAMI – Advocates say Miami-Dade voters have a choice on the Aug. 20 ballot.

“More highways, more congestion, or a new option?” Mark Merwitzer, with Transit Alliance Miami, said.

A measure on the primary ballot includes a non-binding question about expanding rapid transit in the county, specifically the existing Metromover and Metrorail systems.

It comes as choking congestion prompts county commissioners to look at elevated rail along the county’s East-West Corridor: a Metromover expansion along Flagler Street to Florida International University.

“The number one complaint about quality of life in Miami-Dade County is the traffic,” Merwitzer said. “Traffic is a nightmare and public transit is the solution to that.”

Miami-Dade County Commissioner Eileen Higgins summed it up thusly: “People are trapped in traffic.”

see Channel 10 Miami - As congestion chokes Miami-Dade, transit on ballot as officials ponder Metromover to FIU

EDITOR'S NOTE: I am not sure how I will vote.  I am far from pleased as to how the current half cent sales tax is being (mis)spent. I'd like to send a message and vote NO, but they will play the vote how they want to, regardless of the results.

UPDATE: I am posting a screen shot of the County Straw Ballot question.  Do we really need to answer it? The answer is obvious. But note that this does nothing toward upgrading South Dade with anything elevated, which the prior mayors of Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay fought for.  This locks South Miami-Dade into the bus; but now with the old fashioned Railroad style crossing gates (talk about antiquated technology). 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Chickens can be raised properly in Palmetto Bay - It was done. That was before Ordinance 2023-12.

I stated prior that there have always been residents in Palmetto Bay who raise chickens, but it has always been kept responsibly and under the radar because of the code. There was no feral chicken or worse, rooster, population in Palmetto Bay - that is until post 2023 - as amateur chicken farmers kept them under wraps.  It has been only recently that the feral roosters have begun to show up in various areas of Palmetto Bay.  Have they reached a level where the roosters can be described as a local invasive species?

My issue is when you legislate a right, legislate it so it does not infringe upon others.  In my opinion, a bad example of an possibly well intentioned, but not well thought out ordinance – Palmetto Bay Ordinance 2023-12, sponsored by Vice Mayor Leanne Tellam.   Palmetto Bay officials enacted a hastily considered ordinance which even noted that "...roosters, which can and do disturb the peaceful quality of life in the Village ...." – and yet here they are (Roosters).  Now there are feral populations of chickens and the accompanying roosters throughout Palmetto Bay.   

And, as many predicted – the chickens would come home to roost. We are now seeing the effects. Free roaming chickens attract Roosters. 

Changes due to the Coronavirus. Her son always wanted chickens as a pet. This has become a project during self-quarantine as they now have the time to set it up right. They have an activity. He has the pets he has wanted and she now has fresh eggs. This is a true win/win for all concerned. No longer does her son have to egg her on.
(NOTE - names and location withheld)

In this case, “the 'chickens have come home to roost'” has a positive meaning. Time and a desire for family activities, a pet and eggs, all come together for this family.