Sunday, September 1, 2024

Bring back fiscal responsibility - Candidate review - David Singer for Palmetto Bay Council, District 2

Here is an election website worth a look. Far from the usual platitudes. Read his real skills and experience and what it brings to Palmetto Bay. I have seen him in action on budgets. He is focused and fair. The works hard at preventing government wasteful spending so that our tax dollars actually go to the delivery of true municipal services.

His education includes both Florida State University and the University of Miami.

He has vast experience.  CPA and Real Estate agent, Eight years in public accounting, specializing in auditing, and experience in forensic auditing for various law firms.

"Palmetto Bay isn't just where I live—it's where my heart is. I'm committed to bringing our community together, giving every resident a voice, and steering our village back to the path of progress and harmony."

-David Singer 

David Singer has the skills and the proven track record. David will bring fiscal responsibility back to Palmetto Bay.

CLICK HERE to view his official website.

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