Thursday, August 22, 2024

Mark Meritzer - knowledgeable and experienced on transit - an issue critical to Palmetto Bay

Update on transportation - and a breath of fresh air - Palmetto Bay has a candidate who actually understands transit and the issues relating to South Miami-Dade County.

Nearly 80% of those who took the time to vote - voted in favor of the non-binding straw poll on transit - "Does Miami-Dade County need to expand its existing rapid mass transit system? (Rapid mass transit is defined here as elevated Metrorail, passenger rail, and/or Metromover)" - as reported in the Miami Herald - Miami-Dade voters overwhelmingly say the county should expand rapid mass transit, by Catherine Odum, updated August 21, 2024

One source? Palmetto Bay's favorite son, Mark Merwitzer, the associate director of the advocacy group Transit Alliance, said he was pleased with the results of the straw poll. He said by voting in favor of this ballot measure, Miami-Dade residents made it clear they don’t want the “status quo” of “more highways and more traffic.” 

Miami-Dade’s growing population has exacerbated congestion and traffic throughout the county. 

Merwitzer added that he commends Gilbert, along with co-sponsor Commissioner Eileen Higgins, for their work.

(source above - the Miami Herald)

My take aways?

1.    Residents have loudly proclaimed their concern as to the state of transit in Miami-Dade County.

2.    Palmetto Bay has a resident - and candidate for Vice Mayor - who clearly understands the issues and is ready to advocate for Palmetto Bay.

3.    Mark Merwitzer has demonstrated that he can work with County leaders on issues of great public importance.

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