Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August 7 - Purple Heart Day. Remembering America's Veterans - special recognition for Purple Heart recipients

Palmetto Bay became the first South Florida "Purple Heart City" in 2016 - as per resolution 2016-40 that I was proud to sponsor as Mayor of Palmetto Bay.  It remains important to continue this recognition.

This is a national day of recognition. Purple Heart Day is observed on August 7 each year and is a time for Americans to pause to remember and honor the brave men and women who were either wounded on the battlefield or paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives.

See Channel 10 News online: Palmetto Bay becomes first Purple Heart city in South Florida - Flag-raising ceremony held to commemorate honor, By Peter Burke - Local Managing Editor, posted: 1:22 PM, August 10, 2016.

See prior related post of August 12, 2016, Recognizing our Purple Heart Awardees. Palmetto Bay is now a Purple Heart City! where there are additional photos from this 2016 event

CLICK HERE to view other related posts recognizing our Veterans for their service.

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