Sunday, March 29, 2020

Thank you MDC Commissioner DLC & CM for getting Deering's Chinese Bridge reopened


Grassroots effort and inquiries directed to the proper representative gets public access restored. I will refer to the resident only by the initials "CM". Note - I have since received permission to use his proper name, so thank you Craig Merwitzer.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal leader on coronavirus policy, has said that running right now is "not only safe, it’s healthy.” Fauci himself is a serious runner. 

So that resolves the issue as to is outdoor exercise "OK". As far as I am concerned, run, bike, walk - do it safely. Stay healthy. 

The reason for the closure from the MDC Parks Department: "I hope everyone is safe and well ! regarding the Chinese bridge - unfortunately, we had to close off the bridge due to concerns that many folks were congregating at the bridge without adhering to social distancing requirements. We worked in concert with Village of Palmetto Bay Police Department, who placed the barricades as a safety concern. As soon as social distancing restrictions are lifted, we will open it up again". 

Grassroots action. Craig Merwitzer brought this matter to Commissioner DLC's attention on 3/28. The area was reopened to the public for safe use later that day and remains open as of Sunday, 3/29.

From the Commissioner: "From DLC:  Thank you everyone. I saw it was opened when I biked by at around 5 pm. Of course our health and safety are number one so all steps to prevent congregating are warranted. Hopefully our residents can exercise common sense and restraint."

Now please - do not congregate and violate the social distance requirement at the bridge. It is reopened, use it responsibly.

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