Monday, March 16, 2020

Important read - University of Miami anxiety expert Jill Ehreneich-May: To cope with COVID-19, carry on

To cope with COVID-19, carry on: University of Miami anxiety expert Jill Ehreneich-May urges staying the course—albeit from a distance—and being mindful of the present.

Another important read that I recommend during this period of self-quarantine, social distancing. Follow the link to read the entire article.

Ehrenreich-May says it’s perfectly natural for us to feel anxious and fearful in the face of such unrelenting, escalating uncertainty. Not just about our personal health and that of our loved ones, but about how much our lives are going to be disrupted. How do we possibly plan for and cope with that?
Ehrenreich-May, the director of the Department of Psychology’s Child and Adolescent Mood and Anxiety Treatment program, answers five questions to help us navigate these uncertain times.
What are strategies for planning and coping with so much uncertainty?

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