Thursday, October 10, 2024

Campaign lies exposed. Get the facts and avoid campaign lies. A great purchase for the village.

Campaign lies exposed.  Here are the facts about the purchase of the eastern portion of the Shores property. Look for the second part to be released soon as to why did the council refuse to sell the property back to the seller if it was such a bad deal.

Three members of the 2017 village council voted to purchase 2.0 (+) acres of the eastern end of the Shores property that was specifically described as “… essentially the school site and OTHER ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAYS ….” (emphasis added). It is very clear. Only the spin and lack of research (or honesty) is being put out there.  As the Hon. Dexter Lehtinen, the village attorney who negotiated and approved the transaction, would say: read the property deed if you want to know what was purchased.

Please review the entire resolution. CLICK HERE to view village resolution 2017-142.  Facts are facts. Get the facts.

This is not the first time .  Read my prior post of October 28, 2019, Village Council Chaos - Interaction with Village Attorney at a council meeting - Village Mayor & Council: You have been told repeatedly. You are the voting body. You have responsibilities of reading and knowing what you are voting on. It appears that lightning does strike twice in regards to this mayor and council, as once again, I find myself reminding this current mayor and council:

Don't blame staff, the Village Manager or the Village Attorney. Neither sets policy. The bottom line – the council has always been kept up to date. Council Members can pick up the phone can call or personally meet with any Charter Officer about any item of concern. They were told at all time – were always kept in the loop. As stated by Attorney Lehtinen, it is the council who votes – and they have the responsibility to listen to what they are told; to read and understand what they are voting on.

Only the substances of the controversy changes. But then again, “a leopard never changes its spots”. It continues to be apparent to me that drama, chaos and lack of civility from members of this current village council remain the preferred method of official business in Palmetto Bay.

Oh, and a very, very interesting aside – please CLICK HERE to view Palmetto Bay Development Order from a 2014 zoning hearing where then Mayor Stanczyk and the 2014 council APPROVED a 1,400 seat charter school on part of the site later purchased by Palmetto Bay in 2018. (Note that this charter school could not be eliminated once approved, but it was later reduced by 400 student stations under me in 2015.) The Stanczyk council determined in this order that "... based on substantial competent evidence in the record, that the application for the charter school is consistent with the Village of Palmetto Bay's Comprehensive Plan and the applicable Land Development Regulations." 

The facts are facts that the purchase of these 2.0 acres of school site and right of way saved Palmetto Bay from the Stanczyk approved charter school as I placed a covenant in the land that remained under the Shores ownership that prohibits a charter school. The current mayor, village council member and village staff appear to be silent on that important fact, but then again, they retain credit regardless of where that lies and cast blame upon anyone but themselves. Shame on them and shame on candidate who lie.

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