Saturday, July 31, 2021

Follow up - DTPW rejects request of the Palmetto Bay mayor and council: rejects the use of golf carts along the OCR (Old Cutler Road) shared use path.

Keeping you in the loop. Nothing has been reported from the village, but here is follow up, the rest of the story, of the resolution by the Village of Palmetto Bay to study the feasibility of allowing motorized golf carts to use the county's Old Cutler Trail, a shared use path. In short, the Miami-Dade County Transportation & Public Works Department (DTPW) issued this response: 

"The path is not designed or warranted for the use of golf carts. After reviewing the request DTPW does not recommend the use of golf carts along the OCR (Old Cutler Road) shared use path."

The DTPW specifically cited Florida Department of Transportation standards saying:

"...the conflicts between the golf carts and the shared use path users (pedestrian and bikers) would create significant safety and operational problems..."

Per the EBC Vice President / Executive Board Member posted on Facebook

This is a big win for cyclists and pedestrians in Miami-Dade County. Thank you MDTPW for your wise decision!

There has been no word whether the Palmetto Bay Policing unit will enforce the no motorized vehicle rule on the Shared Use Path (which is not a bike lane).

1 comment:

  1. Just from my observations PB does not enforce golf cart violations. One example, Golf carts continuously use 168 St in violation of regulations.

    Also the OCR trail is used by motor cycles, motor bikes, scooters and go carts
