Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Palmetto Bay Village Council passes FY 2018-19 Budget that increases services and reduces the property tax millage rate to an all-time low of 2.2387

Reaffirming fiscal responsibility & government lite
Dear Fellow Palmetto Bay resident,
2.2387!  Good news! Last night, Monday, September 24, 2018, I led a village council to INCREASE services and REDUCE the property tax millage rate to an all-time low of 2.2387. Don't just compare the impact of this rate against last year's rate. Compare it to the rate in place before I was elected in 2014. That rate was 2.447. I am proud of obtaining not one, but two property tax rate reductions in four years. Not bad!
How good is this budget?  This is the first budget that the Vice Mayor voted for!  This is significant.  He brought forward our last budget adjustment of the hearing, providing for the first Cost of Living Adjustment for our village employees since 2008.  We want to reward our Palmetto Bay team members, some of whom have been with us since incorporation, for delivering quality services.
The new low of 2.2387 represents approximately an 8% overall property tax millage reduction since I took office in 2014.my goal of a second property tax reduction in the last four years has been realized: the new lowest property tax rate in Palmetto Bay's history. 
I continue to keep my promises to prevent budget creep, to control spending, to work hard to get the property tax rate lower to remain consistent to "government lite".
I waited until each council member and staff had their priorities funded before setting this 2.2387 property tax rate. We have funded our Police, Parks, Parks Programming, Planning (our master plans and studies), Planning & Zoning, and even for our pupils - the additional police cost for our schools to cover the shortfalls of the School Board.  This is all for the benefit of our Palmetto Bay residents.  We have priorities funded for traffic calming, economic development and our special events.  We have strong reserves. But once again, it is time to set a realistic property tax millage rate and not take more money from our residents than is needed.
Please note that public safety remains fully funded.  I will never support a cut to our collective security.  
Palmetto Bay will never be a government that spends money simply because it has the revenue to spend.  This causes 'budget creep' - new spending each and every year to cover increase in property values. Adjusting your property tax millage rate to match the budget is the appropriate vehicle to prevent expenditures creeping up to keep pace with revenues. 

Providing quality services here in Palmetto Bay AND reducing the property tax mileage rate; it's YOUR money. 

Your Mayor.
Eugene Flinn

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Mangowood Crosswalk David Singer reporting 9 23 2018

Need another reason to love Palmetto Bay? Another positive thread was woven into Palmetto Bay’s Community tapestry on Saturday evening, 9/22/2018. Tyler Benjamin is another positive thread.

Another great event.

I am proud of Eagle Scout candidate Tyler Benjamin, his family, his scout troop, and our American Legion, Post 133. Great ceremony ceremonies were held last night - first to formally kick of completion of the flag retirement boxes (located at Coral Reef and Ludovici Parks) and then a flag burning ceremony. I was pleased to participate, both through official recognition on behalf of the Village Council of Palmetto Bay and then by personal participation in the retirement of the flag that had flown at my home. A representative of our Village police was present as were members of American Legion, Post 133. This flag retirement ceremony was another great family event, another thread woven, here in Palmetto Bay.
I am a longtime member of scouting, having been a scout since elementary school, participating in scout leadership and having my daughters excel in scouting. I love Palmetto Bay and I love Scouting - strengthening our community.
Village Resident  & American Legion Member Roger Snyder & Son retire their flag
More photos from past events involving this Eagle Project -
CLICK HERE to view a related post: from July 23, 2018, Tyler Benjamin - close to completing his Eagle Scout Project - look for the worn flag drop off boxes at Coral Reef Park and Ludovici Park

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Get the Facts - a detailed read documenting that I have been the advocate for reducing growth in Palmetto Bay - and I have succeeded!

A shining example of politics gone too far! My opponent is rewriting her record of pro-development votes - 4 years of support for projects in the Downtown Palmetto Bay (DUV) area and is now trying to claim that she is "anti-development".  It is good for the voters that records are kept that prove otherwise.  Don't be fooled. She has voted for each and every zoning application in the downtown area (multi-story buildings) and she voted, without objection, for the downtown zoning code (DUV) that all applications are based upon.  

Development is not an issue that can be discussed in 100 words or less. I am therefore providing you with substantial information documenting the development issues in Palmetto Bay.  I invite you to review past articles posted throughout my blog where I keep a running log of information relating to our area.

General Issues relating to development:

I am proud of my record of actually REDUCING the potential density which has saved this village from the substantial growth that has been occurring to the south of us.  The Downtown Urban Village Code (hereafter DUV) started as an initiative of then Mayor Stanczyk. Read the article online, Oct. 29, 2013: Palmetto Bay Mayor Calls For Redevelopment. http://www.cre-sources.com/palmetto-bay-mayor-calls-for-redevelopment/ Read the full article which provides a great background for the why and for what reason the DUV code rewrite was sought.

“Palmetto Bay Mayor Shelley Stanczyk delivered her annual state of the village address Wednesday night to an audience of about 170 people. Stanczyk said this year’s theme for the village is ‘charting the course.’

That ‘course’ is the village’s new goal: An initiative to revitalize its downtown by creating a residential and business community in a relatively undeveloped district.

The project aims to improve the infrastructure and landscape of an area known as the Franjo Triangle – from Southwest 184th Street north to 168th Street and from the southbound lanes of U.S. 1 east to Franjo Road – to provide incentives for companies to open shop there.”

The record is clear on Palmetto Bay (and you can find many, many examples on my blog for your review) – I have led a real reduction in density here in Palmetto Bay as cited below. Much of this has involved residents who recognize that growth will happen, but that we need to have smart controlled growth. Resident input has allowed me to work to reduce density, while other municipalities have promoted increased growth, much of which we now see driving through our community.

The details on the full breakdown for the downtown area are posted below: 

Pre-incorporation/Miami-Dade County   -- This is what we could have in development had we remained unincorporated: 32,722,560 Square feet total in the downtown, DUV area,  a huge number: 23,000 residential units plus commercial of 12,022,560 square feet.

FT&I  -- This is the code that I worked hard to create, but was called “too restrictive” while I was out of office.  The possible buildout under this code reduced to: 9,935,000 Square feet (reducing nearly 23 million SF from the prior 33 million square feet), 4,360 Residential (18,640 potential units eliminated) plus commercial of 6,000,000 square feet.

DUV – in its current form: 6,850,000 Square feet (reducing nearly 25,872,560 SF from the prior 33 million square feet),  5,661 Residential units (17,339 potential units eliminated) plus commercial of 2,000,000 square feet. – the residential did slightly increase, but the commercial space was dropped by 2/3rds.

And, this council, dropped the prior council’s plan to increase building height to a possible 12 - 25 stories which, thankfully, did not get much traction and was rejected by me and this current council. 

Note the truth - the growth projected is substantially less than what was proposed by the original County code.  And we can't simply vote no on everything.  Any politician who tells you we can is either lying or fails to understand property rights.  Property owners have the right to build what the code allows, not what currently stands on the property.

And take note, our 'growth' is less, much less, than the increase that has occurred in Cutler Bay and points south.

I offer up the following population comparison growth numbers to demonstrate the real source of the current traffic, removing the hyperbole placed out there, presenting facts, not fiction (and note that I do not have the comparable for the corresponding Unincorporated area to the south):

Palmetto Bay: a less than 2% increase of only 454 people  
24,116 in 2002 to 24,570 in 2016
Cutler Bay: a 27.5% increase of 14,400 people
30,307 in 2002 to 44,707 in 2016     

Homestead: a 103% increase of 34,464 people
33,532 in 2002 to 67,996 in 2016

Palmetto Bay has planned.  We have studied.  We have completed transportation and traffic calming master plans.

Recent Downtown votes:

Record distortion is a horrible thing. I am posting the actual voting record for the entire council in order to demonstrate that an opponent claiming to be "anti-development" is distorting the truth. Her votes, on the record, contradict the statements made in private when she goes 'door to door'. 

Where are these "anti-development" votes? 

She has actually voted more often for development in the downtown district than I have.  The truth matters. 

The following documents the votes taken on downtown zoning matters - these are votes that result in actual approval, providing authorization to build.

I also ask that you read the Miami Herald articles for more background, applicable links and quotes cited at the end of this post.  

5 important votes have occurred in the Palmetto Bay downtown area:

Atlantico      passed  4-0 (Vice Mayor absent)
Parkview      passed  4-1 (Flinn voted NO – Karyn voted to APPROVE)
Sandpiper    passed  5-0
Soleste         passed  5-0
Shores          passed  4-0 (Vice Mayor absent)

Karyn voted for each and every development - 5-0 - 100% for development!

I own up to my voting record, 4 in favor and one very loud NO vote for the rental projects, but I also argued for substantial reduction in overall height and other extractions applied to each and every property that did in fact reduce height and density.

I also recommend that you review the Miami Herald, April 20, 2017: 300 apartments on U.S. 1? Palmetto Bay tells developers to think again, by Monique O. Madan.  My comments made at this hearing are indicative of how I manage development. 
In this case, the development would be LEED certified. Developers of the project currently have the right to 74 units, and were asking for 226 bonus apartments — a number that the mayor called “obscene.”

“Your entire project is car-based. I haven’t heard any mention of trying to get people to the rail, no stops, circulators to come pick people up. Everything is about cars and parking spaces, as far as you’re concerned,” Mayor Eugene Flinn said.
Opponents argued that the development would inundate roads with traffic on streets that are already congested during rush hour.
          ***   ***   ***
Planners offered to donate $100,000 to the city, contingent on the plans being passed. Councilman David Singer asked the number be bumped up to $250,000. The mayor joked and suggested $1 million. At the end, talks about $2 million were on the table.
“You know what? I’d rather you keep your $2 million and scale down this project,” Flinn said. “And I really don’t buy the traffic studies. It lead to the conclusion that the traffic issue alone is enough to reject this project. I strongly recommend that you come back and rethink this thing.”
This project did come back for hearing in June. The glaring deficiencies were not sufficiently addressed in my opinion, so I voted "NO".  My opponent voted IN FAVOR.

Is she "anti-development"?  Hardly. 

Palmetto Bay's DUV Development Code (Downtown district)

The zoning votes were based upon the DUV code written and passed unanimously by the Village Council.  Please see my blog post of August 29, 2018, Correcting the record. My opponent continues to dodge her votes in creating our downtown code. She owns a 100% approval record for creating it (as do I), but she also voted against extending the moratorium.  This post provides a very long explanation.

And here is the accurate history of the DUV code and the steps I have taken to actually reduced the density here in Palmetto Bay, See: August 3, 2018, Councilman David Singer's History of DUV Presentation Posted online.

Much more can be viewed on my blog by following this link to all the articles involving the DUV Code (CLICK HERE).

I remain available to discuss in any greater detail or to address any specifics.  I have not even begun to address the Pine Rocklands located along Old Cutler Road at the Palmetto Bay Village Center, but I will provide a link to the general articles (CLICK HERE)

Thank you for your time and willingness to research the facts.

Very truly yours,

Eugene Flinn

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Positive news. Palmetto Bay's property tax rate to drop once again this coming year, another historic low, reaffirming the concept of "government lite" in Palmetto Bay.

Property Tax rate reduced to 2.280 at first budget hearing - 
the lowest property tax millage rate in Palmetto Bay History.
I am reaffirming fiscal responsibility & government lite

Dear Fellow Palmetto Bay resident,
Good news - my goal of a second tax reduction in the last four years will be realized.  The property tax millage rate has been dropped to 2.280 -  which is the lowest property tax rate in Palmetto Bay's history.  I will work hard to get the property tax rate lower. A realistic goal is 2.260 at the second and final budget hearing scheduled for Monday, September 24, 2018, at 7:00 PM

The property tax rate reduction is appropriate for this budget, but I waited until each council member and staff had their priorities funded. We have funded our Police, Parks, Parks Programming, Planning (our master plans and studies), Planning & zoning, and even for our pupils - the additional police cost to cover the shortfalls of the School Board.  This is all for the benefit of our Palmetto Bay residents.  We have priorities funded for traffic calming, economic development and our special events.  We have strong reserves. But once again, it is time to set a realistic property tax millage rate and not take money from our residents that is not needed.

Please note that public safety remains fully funded.  I will never support a cut to our collective security.  

But far too often, government spends money simply because it has the revenue to spend.  This causes 'budget creep' - new spending each and every year to cover increase in property values.  Adjusting your property tax millage rate to match the budget is the appropriate vehicle to prevent expenditures creeping up to keep pace with revenues. 

Working with Councilman David Singer, we went line for line in the proposed budget and we identified significant areas of savings. The collective fiscal leadership was reflected in the unanimous 5-0 vote on this budget at first reading as well as to establish the historic low of 2.280.

I am proud that we could once again reduce taxes. I conservatively stated my goal on September 7, that we can, and therefore, I'd like to see our property tax millage rate reduced to 2.2900 or at least to a round figure of 2.300.  At that time I did not know the level of support for a reduction.  

I did express my commitment to "Government Lite".  This is OUR money, YOUR money, and you need to stay involved. This is the third time in the last of four years that I have recommend a drop our property tax rate.  (CLICK HERE) to view my positive budget message of 9/7/2018, advocating for this property tax relief after my full review of this proposed budget.
Please take the time to review the proposed budget and provide input.  You may access the agenda package on the Village website (CLICK HERE). Please note that the complete Agenda package consists of 155 pages, out of which, the proposed budget is 143 pages.

SECOND BUDGET HEARING - Monday, September 24, 2018, 7:00 PM
Various budget workshops have been held, but as always, I always remain available to discuss any budget ideas, questions or concerns.  Please contact me via e-mail at eflinn@palmettobay-fl.gov or via phone at (305) 302-3713 to discuss.

THANK YOU! To my fellow council members, staff and all of our fellow Palmetto Bay residents for the collaboration on this budget. Work continues. 
Your Mayor.
Eugene Flinn

CLICK HERE to view my e-blast released at 11 AM on 9/13/2018 regarding the budget (essentially the same information as above)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Palmetto Bay Community Meeting - Water Issues - Sep 11th, 2018

Palmetto Bay Community Meeting - Water Issues - Sep 11th, 2018

Water Meeting held. Commissioner Cava & SFWMD at Palmetto Bay to update and coordinate efforts

A great turn out for another Town Hall meeting.  I was pleased to host and participate in this multi-jurisdictional program. I want to thank the many concerned residents who turned out who spoke with the South Florida Water Management District and Miami-Dade County Government DERM. The meeting was well staffed from the experts from these agencies including Federico E. Fernandez, Esq., Chair, SFWMD Governing Board and Lee Hefty, Director, DERM.

Topics included our canals, including canal maintenance, erosion and safety enforcement, water quality protection, Biscayne Bay restoration, hurricane preparedness.

There will be additional follow up and collaboration between the State of Florida, SFWMD, Miami-Dade County, and locals including Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay. 

The SFWMD is responsible for operating and maintaining more than 2,100 miles of canals from Orlando to the Keys.  The post provides a link to the specific document created by The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) regarding Palmetto Bay.  

The video from this meeting is available online (CLICK HERE).

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

I will be representing our Palmetto Bay at the 10th Annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit

Because our local environment matters.

I have been invited to participate in the 10th Annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit, hosted by Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami Beach, on October 24th and 25th at the Miami Beach Convention Center. The Summit will look back and celebrate a decade of unprecedented regional collaboration for climate action in Southeast Florida and explore ways to surge ahead in the coming decade and beyond. 

My participation will be in line with my long term environmental efforts, to focus on local efforts, regional needs, and collaborative opportunities for climate resilience in the Southeast Florida region.

Your Mayor,

Eugene Flinn

Monday, September 10, 2018

Happy Sweet 16 to the Village of Palmetto Bay

Palmetto Bay was incorporated on September 10, 2002.

Feel free to search this blog for numerous posts regarding our Palmetto Bay history.

I am wishing everyone a very happy sweet 16. Thank you to everyone for making this the best municipality to live, work and play!

Your Mayor, 


I told the Manager: "We're gonna need a bigger boat" - Registration closed for now. Looking for alternatives. Thank you to those who registered early.

I am both pleased and disappointed to present this update. Palmetto Bay Parks & Rec/Special Events has reported that we hit our maximum limit for Senior's Night Out - Field Trip to the Marlin's Stadium.

I told the Manager: "We're gonna need a bigger boat".

We are working on how we can add more people to meet demand. I remain excited for our active senior programs.  This one is obviously a big hit (dare I say 'grand slam? Nah, too early). I say, 'swing for the fences' when setting programming for Palmetto Bay's Seniors!

See my prior related post of September 5, 2018, Take me out to the ball game - Senior's Night Out - Field Trip to the Marlin's Stadium

I will keep you up to date.

Your Mayor


Good News - Miami-Dade County to fund an extended right turn lane for 67th Avenue, turning right onto Old Cutler Road

Palmetto Bay continues to work with Miami-Dade County on traffic issues.  I have just confirmed that Miami-Dade County has funded and will be proceeding with the extension of the north bound right turn lane along SW 67TH Avenue to SW 136 Street (please see photo at right).

This is just one of many projects being pursued throughout our Village of Palmetto Bay, from SW 136th Street South to SW 184th (Our north / south municipal boundaries).

I will continue to keep everyone advised. Please contact me with any questions or concerns at eflinn@palmettobay-fl.gov.

Your mayor,


Friday, September 7, 2018

Positive Palmetto Bay news - Budget updates, let's prepare together. Rosh Hashanah message from Rabbi Zalman and Chani Gansburg, of the Chabad of Palmetto Bay and Deering Bay.

The latest e-news was released on Friday, September 7, 2018.  Click the link to view the entire message. 
  • l'shanah tovah. Rosh Hashanah message from Rabbi Zalman and Chani Gansburg, of the Chabad of Palmetto Bay and Deering Bay. Rosh Hashanah 2018 will begin in the evening of Sunday, September 9 and ends in the evening of Tuesday, September 11. Link to the Chabad High Holiday schedule.
  • First Budget Hearing is Wednesday, 9/12.  Let's prepare together! Fiscal responsibility: Palmetto Bay collects sufficient funds, let's reduce our tax rate again this year.  
  • Important meeting - Miami-Dade County, South Florida Water Management District to discuss Water Issues - Sept 11, 2018, 6:00 PM at Palmetto Bay Village Hall.
  • Another active senior program that I am pleased to promote: Palmetto Bay and the Miami Marlins partner for a night at the ball park. Thursday, Sept. 20. Details below.
  • CITE Link to report your traffic concern online. 

My goal is that Palmetto Bay reaffirms its commitment to "Government Lite".  This is OUR money, YOUR money, and you need to stay involved.  I am recommending that we drop our property tax rate again this year. We can, and I'd like to see our property tax millage rate reduced to 2.2900 or at least to a round figure of 2.300. 

Various budget workshops have been held, but as always, I always remain available to discuss any budget ideas, questions or concerns.  Please contact me via e-mail at
 eflinn@palmettobay-fl.gov or via phone at (305) 302-3713 to discuss.
Your Mayor.
Eugene Flinn

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Budget materials are now available online. Links provided.

The proposed budget is now available online.

You may access the agenda package on the Village website HERE. A copy of the tentative FY2018-19 Operating and Capital Budget is included in the package.  Please note that the package consists of 155 pages. The proposed budget is 143 pages.

Review of these materials will assist in preparation for the upcoming budget hearings, the applicable hearing dates (follow the links to official Palmetto Bay information):

FIRST BUDGET HEARING - Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 7:00 PM

SECOND BUDGET HEARING - Monday, September 24, 2018, 7:00 PM
Thank you for participating.

Your Mayor,

Eugene Flinn

Take me out to the ball game - Senior's Night Out - Field Trip to the Marlin's Stadium

Palmetto Bay Senior Night at Marlin's Park.

I am pleased to announce another new active senior program set for September 20, 2018 - "Let's go out to the ball game" Palmetto Bay and the Miami Marlins partner for a night at the ball park.  Details are listed on the flyer as well as posted on the official village website.

Reserve your space now.  This event is expected to fill up quickly.

The tickets are free, courtesy of Wellness clinic.

We will supply a $15.00 voucher for a hot dog and soda.

Transportation is available via IBus, but we can accommodate 30 residents by bus. After the bus fills, additional participants may meet the group at the stadium (who knows, perhaps we can talk the manager into additional travel to meet demand!).

This program was brought forward in my July 9 memorandum, part of my ongoing upgrades for community (senior) engagement, adopted unanimously by the council. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Important meeting - Miami-Dade County, South Florida Water Management District to discuss Water Issues - Sept 11, 2018, 6:00 PM at Palmetto Bay Village Hall.

I am pleased to sponsor/promote this event. This is an important meeting to attend. Canal and water issues can and will be addressed by officials of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD).  

Topics will include our canals, water quality protection, Biscayne Bay restoration, hurricane preparedness and more.

Please CLICK HERE to view the official Facebook event site.

I look forward to seeing you at this event.  As always, you can reach me via e-mail at eflinn@palmettobay-fl.gov or cell at 305-302-3713 should you have any questions or concerns.

Your Mayor,


Note: CLICK HERE  to view prior posts relating to the SFWMD.