Friday, April 16, 2021

Wow. Facts are facts. I believe that the current mayor, vice mayor and other members of the Village Council owe a retraction and an apology to former Manager Silva.

The subheading should be: "The property purchased approved by (then) village attorney Dexter Lehtinen." 

The current mayor and village council really appear to love drama. Drama and distraction. I suggest that their time would be better spent working on important issues such as the 87th Avenue Bridge and budget issues. But hey, those are losing issues. So why not distract with internally created distractions created out of thin air; irrespective of the facts contained in materials that are posted on the Village's own website?  Facts are facts and here are some facts presented here: 

The following factual response was posted by former manager (and long time Village resident) Ed Silva:

This Council continues to refer to the appraisal done by a private resident to claim that we didn't get the correct amount of land in the downtown area. I'm providing a copy of an appraisal with the letter of authorization in which the appraisal company has been directed to only appraise the .98 acres of land. Look closely at the document and you shall see that the appraisal authorization letter clearly states that this subject property is a part of a larger 2.27 acre site. Ironically the appraised value for just the .98 acres was $2,050,000. There was no instructions to provide a value for the bigger right of way parcel. Now again ask yourself why having these documents the Council has elected to question the integrity of the Village Attorney and Village Manager who both are no longer associated with the Village? Seems a bit vindictive doesn't it?

Here is a copy of part of that appraisal:

Please watch the Video posted below where the Hon. Dexter Lehtinen explains the facts relating to this purchase. Please take note that this village council knows better than to attack Mr. Lehtinen in regards to the purchase.

 FUTURE POST: A relevant Resolution of the Palmetto Bay Village council (2016-2018). What was the council buying? It is all there, that is if the current members of the village council choose to read the materials. And then there is another reminder of Dexter Lehtinen advising the council that it is there responsibility to read the materials relating to what they vote on. 

Keep digging. 

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