Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Responses from the Palmetto Bay Vice Mayor and 2 Councilmembers on the VIllage Attorney search

There was no response from either the Mayor or our district 3 council member. The actual responses are not as important as the fact as to whether they would care to respond at all.  I posted a serious question last week: What is the plan? Request sent to current mayor and council regarding the Palmetto Bay Village Attorney search, seeking answers on how they will proceed on selecting the next village attorney.  Who they planned on selecting was not the question, the issue is whether they have a plan for selecting.

I promised that the answers will be posted today, Tuesday, December 31. Here they are for all to read.

Click "Read more" immediately below to read the responses from Vice Mayor Dubois, as well as council members Tim Schaffer and Patrick Fiore:

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Final word on the Dolphins season.

Disappointing. I cannot watch the post game, but here is how I think it might go to conclude the Miami Dolphins season:

Saturday, December 28, 2013

What is the plan? Request sent to current mayor and council regarding the Palmetto Bay Village Attorney search.

I sent a request to the current mayor and members of the Palmetto Bay council seeking answers on how they will proceed on selecting the next village attorney.  Their answers will be posted on Tuesday, December 31.
From: "EugeneFlinn@aol.com" <EugeneFlinn@aol.com>
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 4:50 PM
Subject: Request for comments on the village attorney search

Dear Mayor and Council (emailed separately to each)

I have received many inquiries regarding the candidates for village attorney.  I also have questions myself, so rather than speculate, I am addressing the following specific questions to you. 

The applicants have put in their bids for Village Attorney, the bids were publicly opened and I assume that the bids have been disseminated to all of you, so you all are now able to communicate with the public regarding the Village Attorney search.
Note that these questions go to the process.  I am specifically asking you NOT to address your choice or specifics of any candidate at this time.  You obviously need the time to carefully assess and consider all the fine applicants.

This is an official request for a response to questions posted below.  I ask that you limit your Reponses to a total of 250 words. Your responses will be made available on my blog at www.eugeneflinn.blogspot.com.  

Friday, December 27, 2013

Palmetto Bay Updates: Six law firms apply for Palmetto Bay village attorney - MiamiHerald.com

Six law firms apply for Palmetto Bay village attorney - Palmetto Bay - MiamiHerald.com

The Miami Herald has updated its coverage on the Village Attorney process. 

The Herald reports that the (l)ast time the job was put out to bid, a selection committee comprised of staff and two outside attorneys ranked the three firms that had applied based on experience and references. The ranking was then given to the council for consideration.

This time, however, there will not be a selection committee, and the firms will not be ranked before the council votes to fill the position. 

South Dade Matters (SDM) has also stepped forward commentary on the attorney selection issue (PB: Lawyers Galore – Danger Lurks). SDM provides its own listing of the council’s new options with some commentary noting: SDM Says: Mayor Stanczyk and her colleagues will be facing a tough set of choices. We suggest you take some time and spend some money on a thorough background check of each candidate, including a careful search of relevant news items and personnel files (municipal human resource files are public records subject to review). You should also make sure the principal will be sitting in the chair and not a firm associate. Don’t leap before you look.

This is good advice.  As the Village's founding mayor, I selected our first Village Attorney, a firm that lasted more than a ten (10) years.  Stability is important. For those who want to do their own due diligence, I previously posted links to websites for all the applicants on Dec 21 update: Website links for the Palmetto Bay Village Attorney Candidates

Finally, the Miami Herald reports that the Village Council has not yet set a date for when to vote on a permanent attorney. Just what is the timeline? I am not sure it is fair to John Herin Jr. of Gray Robinson to hold his future in doubt, nor is it fair to allow him to become the comfortable choice in the face of the other well-qualified candidates.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/12/24/3836568/six-law-firms-apply-for-palmetto.html#storylink=cpy

Thursday, December 26, 2013

U Miami v the Louisville Cardinals - the build up to Saturday's bowl game

Which team will bring its “A” game to the Russell Athletic Bowl game this Saturday?

This is nothing new, it is always a concern at bowl season.  Which team is hungry for a win versus the team simply ‘happy to be there’ and celebrating its way to a lay down loss.

The CNN Bleacher Report subplots:

A budding rivalry as Louisville moves from the American Athletic Conference to the Atlantic Coast Conference in 2014.

Miami backyard recruiting conflicts, which I describe as Cardinals poaching some South Florida talent in what Howard Schnellenburger originally created “The State of Miami.”  Note that Cardinals quarterback Teddy Bridgewater was originally a Hurricanes commit (there is more to this story).

The Miami Herald also details this ongoing backyard tug-of-war for So. Fla talent: Louisvillefootball team builds its squad with South Florida pipeline, noting that the Louisville Head Coach has recruited heavily in South Florida; current results being that 24 players Louisville’s roster are from South Florida.

I also like to read the hometown newspapers for the opposing-local slant on the game.  See The Courier-Journal online, Dec 24: Louisville coach Charlie Strong's sales pitch wins over Florida recruits. The Courier-Journal reports that Louisville has 39 from the state on its roster. Many of them hail from the Miami area and, like Rogers, grew up rooting for Saturday’s Russell Athletic Bowl opponent. 

There's also the coaching factor with Louisville head coach Charlie Strong and defensive line coach Clint Hurtt. Strong was the former defensive coordinator at rival Florida, while Hurtt is a former Miami player and assistant who was eventually implicated in the long-running NCAA investigation.

Read and prepare for the game

See today’s coverage in the Miami Herald for its daily lead up coverage to the big game: Disrupting Louisville quarterback Teddy Bridgewater is key for Miami in bowl game, there is a little "ouch factor" here in the coverage as Susan Miller Degan's article lead off with: Trying to fluster one of the nation’s most unflappable quarterbacks when you’ve struggled at times against the garden variety is like tackling the Rubik’s Cube when you haven’t quite mastered the jigsaw puzzle.

Go Canes!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas - 2013

I hope everyone enjoys this special day.  Merry Christmas from our family: Eugene, Alexandra, Katherine and Meredith. 

We wish you, your family and friends a very Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Seasons greetings from our family to yours. 2013 is coming to a close.


From the Flinn family -- Eugene, Alexandra, Katherine and Meredith. 

What a year.  We all look forward to the end of the year holiday season. Families celebrate the holiday season in many different ways, but one of the great things that we all have in common in our area is the overwhelming sense of community and responsibility to family that we share. 

Chanukah and Christmas were far apart this year, extending this season.  I again had the pleasure of participating with friends at the Chabad Jewish Center Menorah Lighting held in Coral Reef Park.  We will be attending Christmas services tonight, this year with my brother and his family; my brother having returned in November from his deployment in Afghanistan.

I am reminded, especially during the holidays, of the importance of family and the importance of maintaining our sense of civic spirit.

I hope during this holiday season as we celebrate and enjoy our families that each and every one of us takes a few minutes to think about those families who cannot be together – for the soldiers who defend our country, for the loved ones who must share in their sacrifice, and for those who are no longer with us, although we hold their memory dear.

We all need to continue to strive to achieve the holiday ideal of “Peace on Earth.” Everyone can do their part to help create a better world simply by treating each other with understanding, kindness and respect. Each time you help another person, we all take another step closer toward true peace on earth.

So once again, we wish each and every one of you, a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season and a joyous and prosperous New Year. You all have earned it. Thank you all, again, for the kindness you show others, not just during the holidays, but all year long.

So long to 2013.  We look forward to new challenges and successes for 2014.

The Christmas Truce – Christmas Day, wartime Europe December 25, 1914

From - History.com (Click this link to the full details)

During World War I, the soldiers on the Western Front did not expect to celebrate on the battlefield, but even a world war could not destroy the Christmas spirit.


Also see "Christmas-time.com" and/or Wikipedia for additional reading and photos relating to the Christmas Truce.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The fourth Annual Palmetto Bay Canal Association Holiday Boat Parade held Sat, Dec 22, 2013, links to photos

Once again, an annual "thank you!" to Rainer & Noel Schael, as well as all the members and participants of the Palmetto Bay Canal Association Holiday Boat Parade.

Another  wonderful holiday evening was had for the participants and shoreline festive partygoers on Saturday, December 15.  The Fourth Annual Palmetto Bay Canal Association Holiday Boat Parade moved forward along the C100 canal. The canal was lined with Palmetto Bay residents and guest who observed the parade as part of their festive parties or simply set up chairs or even a bonfire or two, to watch the parade.  Vice Mayor John Dubois and Council members Patrick Fiore and Tim Schaffer again participated this year.  CLICK HERE to view photos of the 2013 event that I have posted on my personal Facebook page.

The boat parade participants picked up hundreds of canned food collected by residents and passed off from the canal banks to the participating boats.  Great work for all the donations!

This is a wonderful community event that brings participants, friends and neighbors together in the holiday spirit, collecting canned food for a good cause, and is supported both by members of the residential community as well as a local business.

Santa does selfies??
The Palmetto Bay Canal Association is made up of Palmetto Bay (and Pinecrest) residents that are both users and stewards of our local canal system. The group includes pleasure boaters, fishermen, skiers, canoers and kayakers.

Click label “Boat Parade” below to see other posts and photos from prior events, including photos from the Third and Second Annual Palmetto Bay Canal Association Holiday Boat Parades!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Update: Website links for the Palmetto Bay Village Attorney Candidates

Anyone interested in looking to see who has applied to be our next village attorney? I have posted website links for the village attorney candidates for anyone interested in viewing the qualifications of the candidates.  Click on the candidate name below to be redirected to their respective web pages. 

Quentin E. Morgan (Brinkley Morgan)
Gray Robinson, P.A. (Currently serving as Interim)
Lydecker Diaz
Alvarez and Barbara, LLP
Dexter W. Lehtinen
John C. Dellagloria, P.A.

Click on the "Village Attorney" label to follow the entire series thread on this ongoing search.

NOTE TO CANDIDATES: I would be more than happy to replace any of the links posted above at request of any of the applicants.  I found these links off the internet and the applicants may have preferred links for me to post.  I posted to specific individuals where it is clear these will be the assigned counselor, otherwise the homepage to the overall firm has been used. 

Special note: More than one of these candidates actually learned of the village attorney search from this blog and/or the Miami Herald article, Palmetto Bay trying again to find a village attorney, Dec 3, 2013. Thank you Miami Herald for getting the word out to so many candidates.

Friday, December 20, 2013

VIllage Attorney search update - an impressive list of applicants

The bids from applicants for Palmetto Bay Village attorney was opened at 3:00 PM today.  Here is the list of attorney's/firms that have put their respective hats in for consideration:

Quentin E. Morgan (Brinkley Morgan)
Gray Robinson, P.A. (Currently serving as Interim)
Lydecker Diaz
Alvarez and Barbara, LLP
Dexter W. Lehtinen
John C. Dellagloria, P.A.

Some fierce competition. Let the evaluations begin.  Good luck to all the contenders. May the village residents benefit from the results of this talent search.

I will have more comments at a later date, I just wanted to update everyone on the names of the applicants. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

FPL | Cutler Plantation - Opening price - $40 Million

FPL | Cutler Plantation

Click the link above to read how FPL is selling off the Cutler Power Plant property.  

As presented on the listing: The Cutler Plantation property is one of the few, large prime development opportunities for luxury residences in coastal Miami-Dade County. Nestled in the quiet, tree-lined streets of Palmetto Bay and Pinecrest, the 69-acre property was settled by William C. Cutler and used as a fruit and vegetable plantation. Nearly 100 years later, the Cutler Plantation site can be developed into distinctive residences that will complement the established Deering Bay Yacht and Country Club, Kings Bay, the Royal Harbour Yacht Club and the many estate homes nearby.Biscayne Bay

Listed property features:

  • Waterfront development site
  • Prime location for luxury residential development
  • Located in Miami-Dade County
  • +/- 8 acres submerged lands ideal for marina
  • Immediate access to Biscayne Bay
See my prior post of Oct 12:  Village update: The potential for Fire Station Land; new green space and new homeowners coming to Palmetto Bay – on the site of the former Cutler Power plant

Seriously Mayor and council members, we know there have been inquiries/meetings with the Planning department, so when will us regular Palmetto Bay residents be brought up to date on potential plans for this location?

My suggestion remains for the village to negotiate in good faith with FPL and work to obtain two things; land for the fire station (as the USDA site appears to be taking a 5 - 8 year nosedive due to the nearly 2 1/2 years of neglect from Mayor Stanczyk) as well as land for public green space. And don't forget about the existing picnic/party pavilion and BOAT RAMP! Exciting opportunities abound, unless the opportunity does ignored.

Check out the 1:27 video presentation on this property:

Let's get grass roots on this effort. Join the community effort to get it done - Miami Hal's Blog.

  YES, We Need A New Firehouse In Our Community

Read his Miami Hal's blog post, Hal: "When something is important and communication is key to its success, I jump into action. Just such a case is the need for a new fire station in our community."

I recently send this out through an email trail, but several community activists thought it would also be good to post here.

If you agree with the information below, simply FORWARD IT to your neighbors and to the following Congressional staff member collecting support letters for Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen:

Forward this email to Joshua.Salpeter@mail.house.gov

Please view Hal's post.  Please get involved. This fire station will serve more than merely Pinecrest and Palmetto Bay. It will serve as important back up and additional service for the Falls, Cutler Bay and Coral Gables.  

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Congratulations to Palmetto Bay resident Mary Cagle. A new watchdog: Miami-Dade County appoints its second inspector general - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com

A new watchdog: Miami-Dade County appoints its second inspector general - Miami-Dade - Miami Herald.com
The Miami Herald reports that Mary T. Cagle was approved unanimously by the Miami-Dade County Commission to replace Christopher Mazzella, who retired in April. Ms. Cagle was very active in the formation of Palmetto Bay - having served Palmetto Bay both on the Palmetto Bay Municipal Advisory committee as well as the first Palmetto Bay Charter Committee, authoring the very first Village Charter.

We are looking forward to IG Mary Cagle making her mark as Miami-Dade's second Inspector General. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Palmetto Bay village attorney search update. Anyone? Anyone? The December 20 deadline is approaching.

This is the last week to apply to be the next Palmetto Bay Village attorney, but you really can't tell from the Mayor or the official web site.  The lack of accountability and transparency from the current mayor and council is truly special.  What is going on in the search for a replacement village attorney?  I wonder if any additional law firms have applied for the open Palmetto Bay Village attorney position.

The December council meeting came and went without any comment from this current mayor providing (or her asking staff for) any update on responses to the pending solicitation to apply for village council. Village attorney is a huge responsibility. It is one of three Charter positions that provide the professional operation for the Village (Village Manager and Village Clerk are the other two)

The interim duties are being very well handled by John R. Herin, Jr., Esquire, who has extensive public and private sector experience.  Mr. Herin also represents nearby Doral and the City of Marathon in the Florida Keys.  He is very well qualified, but this post is not about Mr. Herin; it is about the search, stealth search or non-search, that this council is undertaking.  S0me, including those on the council complained about the initial search that resulted in six applicants that dropped to three competing firms at interview.  Will we have a last-minute flood of applicants or will the council will be pleased with a re-do that results in no new, or merely 2 new experienced municipal law firms applying. 

The Miami Herald reported on October 17th that the Village Council initially decided that Mr. Herin’s appointment would be temporary; that he will serve until the council has time to repeat its search process and find a permanent lawyer.  (see: Palmetto Bay council votes to dismiss village attorney, By Lidia Dinkova). That brings us back to the search process.  Go to the Village Website and you will find that the former village attorney remains listed (CLICK HERE). This may lead some to believe that the former village attorney is still ensconced in her (former) position (At least as of noon Sun, 12/15/13).  Perhaps this would have been an outstanding opportunity for the mayor or someone else on the council to show that they were paying attention to detail and demonstrate some leadership on the council by directing that the web site indicate that a search was ongoing. The web site really does not give first glance conspicuous notice of a search for a village attorney. The entire search effort appears to be hidden in plain sight.

Detailed self-searching the village website will eventually lead you to this posting:

IMPORTANT NOTE for those that are interested (I have personally spoken with two attorney's firms) that have inquired:“Sealed proposals will be received by the Village Clerk, 9705 East Hibiscus Street, Palmetto Bay, FL 33157, on or before December 20, 2013, no later than 3:00 pm, at which time they will be publicly opened and announced.” 

So those interested have just until this coming Friday to apply and be mindful that “Late submittals and facsimile submissions will not be considered."  We will find out at 3 PM on Friday if there have been firms hard at work preparing competing proposals.

For those of you who ask what factors would make a municipal firm not want to work for this current mayor and council, how about:
A council that runs up billing through endless changes in the code or legislation that never gets passed, then gripes about the fees when the bills come due.
A fractured council where an attorney may not want to walk a tightrope between feuding factions.

10 days until Christmas - metal head Christmas Music

A little late night heavy metal Christmas cover - Twisted Sister: "Silver Bells"

Warning: listing to this video as intended may violate the Palmetto Bay NPO!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

CNN online: 2013 the year in pictures

It is that time of year, when we start looking back on the year, usually best documented in photos. 

CLICK HERE to view the CNN: 2013: The year in pictures.

There are still 2 weeks to go in the 2013; this is just the start.  Let's see what progress we have made or areas that never seem to change.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

This Saturday - Dec 14 - Key Largo Boat Parade

The KEY LARGO BOAT PARADE will be held this Saturday, December 14th – beginning 7:30 PM on Blackwater Sound.

See www.keylargoboatparade.com for official information.

It's a Key Largo fun tradition.

Wings Over Miami: model airplane event - Jan 25, 2014

There is another interesting event to consider and put on your calendar: Remember Model Planes Flying on Wire? Now scheduled for January 25, 2014.

Wings Over Miami is planning a model airplane event with modeling, flying, and those good old planes that flew on a wire! Please contact them if you are interested in helping with the models or the other activities during the event. Take a look at the video... It is a blurry, but it is something special...

Wings Over Miami on Saturday, January 25 is going to circle off the ramp, they will put some of there real planes on the grass as well as doing some control line flying and R/C model crafting. Should be something that takes some of us back to our youth and allows everyone else have fun!

I recall days of heading out with my father to the old Tamiami Airport grounds to fly the .049 Cox U-Control planes.  My longest lasting was a P-19 model. I still have some old engines, but none of my old planes remain - and who knows if any of the old glow plugs still work?  And who among us went for it when starting the engines, rejecting the "starter sticks"?

For current info, follow Wings Over Miami Air Museum on Facebook (CLICK HERE)

Monday, December 9, 2013

POD Dickens' Christmas Village - 2013

Its the holidays and preparations continue on this shortened period due to a later than usual Thanksgiving.  This is our first year set up of Alexandra's Dickens' Christmas Village. It is expected to grow - and in a very well planned way (a little not so hidden pun there)
 "It takes a Village ...." In this case it takes a Christmas Village.
 Merry Christmas and have a very happy holiday season.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pinecrest family movie night - "Polar Express" and flashlight tours of the Gardens!

The Pinecrest holiday Family movie is coming up on Friday, December 13. The movie is "Polar Express". All aboard for a wonderful night of flashlight tours, hot dogs, popcorn--and a full length feature animated film. Let your child enjoy the beauty, mystery and just plain old fun of the Gardens by night. Flashlight tours begin at 7pm, movie begins at 8pm.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

South Florida Lawyers: Now Hiring! Musing on the Palmetto Bay search for new counsel - as does SDM and the Miami Herald

South Florida Lawyers: Now Hiring!

The South Florida Lawyers Blog  muses on what the writer(s) term the jockeying among the legal elite to win municipal business. And now, for the second time this year, Palmetto Bay is searching for The Best that money can buy, to represent the Village. You can read about it here.

The competition is stiff, however, because Gray Rob attorney John Herin, Jr. has been on the job for a month on an interim basis. So far, no firms have applied. But that won't last, what with the Village paying $185 per hour.

The question I have been asked is whether this is an open and honest search or simply a beauty pageant to justify hiring of a preselected insider?  I can't get through a typical day in court or at a legal event without being asked. So many firms are looking for business, but no one wants to apply merely to serve as fodder to justify the hire of another. Significant time goes in to the preparation of a proposal as well as preparing for and participating in a public interview.  Time is too valuable to spend on a snipe hunt.

South Dade Matters (SDM) recently raised the same issue in: Bonus Post: Why don’t local law firms want to represent Palmetto Bay? Asking: Why is it, then, that our little village ain’t attracting flies? Perhaps qualified firms are conflicted out? Or maybe other firms think Gray Robinson has an inside track and they don’t want to waste time on applying for a closed deal?

SDM Says: Some or all of the above reasons are probably at play here, but SDM can’t shake the feeling that the qualified law firms in the area are looking at Palmetto Bay as an unstable government. Certainly, Palmetto Bay’s Mayor doesn’t offer much to allay those concerns.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Third Annual - KFHA Holiday Program (Toy Giveaway) for the Children of Farmshare 2013

The Kendall Federation of Homeowner Associations (KFHA) is hosting a Holiday Toy Giveaway for the Children of Farm Share. Friday, December 13, 2013 – 7:00 PM


On December 13, 2013, the KFHA will host its Third Annual Holiday Program, featuring the Ferguson High School Lady Falcon Singers.  There will be holiday treats, the Hanukkah Menorah will be lit and, of course, Santa Claus will arrive with gifts for the children of Farm Share from Florida City Elementary School.

The FUN will begin at 7:00 pm at the Kendall Village Center 'Civic Pavilion', 8625 SW 124 Avenue, Miami, FL, in front of the Regal Theater.

CLICK HERE to view the full KFHA news alert which provides official details.

Pinecrest Police collecting holiday toys for kids - Benefits Kristi House and MCH Foundation

Police collecting holiday toys for kids | Pinecrest

There are many opportunities to give this holiday season.  I periodically list a few of these efforts on my blog.  There are so many outstanding holiday efforts. Remember, the Palmetto Bay Canal Association has a canned food drive as part of its annual Palmetto Bay Canal Association Holiday boat parade. Area churches and business groups also have food and gift collection efforts.

The Pinecrest Police Department is conducting its second annual Holiday Toy Drive to benefit the Kristi House of Miami-Dade and the Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Collection boxes for new unwrapped toys in original packaging are located at the Pinecrest Municipal Center, Police Department Lobby, 12645 S. Dixie Hw., and the Pinecrest Community Center, 5855 SW 111 St., and Pinecrest Gardens, 11100 SW 57 Ave.

Toys will be collected through December 19, 2013, and delivered to both the Kristi House and Miami Children’s Hospital by members of the Pinecrest Police Department on December 20.

Please review the full Pinecrest Tribune Article (Police collecting holiday toys for kids) for information, and/or contact the event coordinator, Detective Paul Rivera at 305-234-2100.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Congratulations Scott Dennis. Another Palmetto Bay alumnus does well. North Miami Beach swears in new Chief of Police.

THE TEAM continues to move forward and upward! -

It is now official, Chief Scott Dennis was sworn in as last Monday evening (12/2/13) as Chief of Police for the City of North Miami Beach. It was an exciting evening for the chief with his family past co-workers (including original Palmetto Bay officials) in attendance to celebrate and wish him the best.

Things continue to go well for so many Village of Palmetto Bay alumni.  I was unable to attend the swearing in due to being in trial, but I would hope that Chief Scott Dennis accepts this blog post as my sincere congratulations for taking on the responsibilities as Chief of the North Miami Beach Police Department.

Another one of the strengths of Palmetto Bay's first 8 years was its partnership with Miami-Dade County and the creation of the contract MDPD/Village Policing Unit. Palmetto Bay continues to prosper under this agreement.  Chief Scott Dennis was part of the transition team just after incorporation and them was our initial Lieutenant, part of the leadership team with our first Village Commander, Captain Michael Mouring.  Lt. Dennis was later promoted to Captain and later became Palmetto Bay’s second Village Commander.

Congratulations Police Chief Dennis. Those in attendance who represented your prior responsibilities and commitments speak volumes on how you build bridges rather than burn them. Good luck.  We all wish you the best!

POD - meeting some of the performers at Book of Mormon

Alex and I enjoyed Book of Mormon at the Broward Center last Saturday, November 30, 2013. We met up with some of the performers post show.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The end for Comet ISON. All build up with no grand finale.

The build up let to a giant let down as Comet ISON appears not to have survived its close encounter with the sun on Thanksgiving.

2013 Old Cutler Church Christmas Concert - this Saturday, Dec 7

Old Cutler Presbyterian Church (OCPC) presents its 2013 Old Cutler Church Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 7. There are two show times for this year, 4:00 PM and 7:30 PM. (Please note that the children’s choir will perform only at 4:00 PM)

Enjoy an evening filled with the sights and sounds of Christmas during their annual concert performed by an array of musicians and vocalists from their choir, orchestra, praise & worship band and children’s choir (4 PM only).
CLICKHERE for more information (from the official OCPC website). 

This is always a very popular event that is not to be missed. Attendees should plan to arrive early to guarantee a seat.

This is a great Christmas event where you can enjoy outstanding performances with your neighbors, friends and family.

37th Annual OCPC Christmas Concert
Date: December 7, 2012
Old Cutler Presbyterian Church
14401 Old Cutler Rd
Main Sanctuary

Contact: Church Office
Phone: 305-238-8121
Email: info@ocpc.org

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Police Investigating Person Fatally Shot In Palmetto Bay « CBS Miami & WSVN reports

Police Investigating Person Fatally Shot In Palmetto Bay « CBS Miami
CBS Miami reports that Police are investigating an incident in Palmetto Bay where one person is dead after being shot.

The Miami-Dade Police Department, Homicide Bureau, is investigating the incident that occurred at 16021 Southwest 77 Court.
Police have identified the victim as 36-year-old Israel Rodriguez, who resided in the home.
Upon officers’ arrival, they observed a hydroponic lab inside the home.

Channel 7, WSVN coverage:  Police: Man killed in Palmetto Bay shooting

WSVN-TV - 7NEWS Miam Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco

Postal Service decides it won’t open a post office near Coral Reef Estates - Palmetto Bay - MiamiHerald.com

Postal Service decides it won’t open a post office near Coral Reef Estates - Palmetto Bay - Miami Herald.com
This is great news for the neighbors! A bullet was dodged - this time - but it should not be up to the neighborhoods to defend themselves. Palmetto Bay officials need to be proactive, not reactive, in defending the community's quality of life.

Now Palmetto Bay needs to get back to the traffic calming program. It is the best defense for the neighborhoods. See: Eliminating traffic calming program leaves neighborhoods defenseless.

The vision of the original Palmetto Bay council was to make our village one of the most livable communities in the country. Traffic is a major factor that affects the livability. As speeding and vehicular volume increases, walking to the neighborhood store or even across the street to a neighbor’s house can be an uncomfortable event. I strongly recommend that a Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program be reinstated to provide neighborhood protection.

Palmetto Bay successfully worked with the county from 2002 to 2010 in traffic calming many roads. Palmetto Bay should be working now, not later, with the neighbors to properly calm the residential roads surrounding the Post Office site, saving the neighbors from new commercial and delivery traffic (which is projected to include 18 wheelers).

Everyone needs to realize that the path to solution starts at the local level and that is why I am calling for resumption in local investment in strategic long term improvements to our traffic issues. Continued lack of action only leads to an increase in the traffic problems as well as unpredictable and unwanted results in the future.

Fortunately, for ACRE (Association of Coral Reef Estates), it was not left to exercise its bargained for property rights in court. It shouldn’t have to be this way.
Eliminating traffic calming program leaves neighborhoods defenseless - See more at: http://www.communitynewspapers.com/palmetto-bay/eliminating-traffic-calming-program-leaves-neighborhoods-defenseless/#sthash.5iPXuaUb.dpuf

Comet ISON May Have Survived | NASA - Outstanding photos for you to view

Comet ISON May Have Survived | NASA

I am still hoping for the big show. Click the link immediately above to view movie and photo updates on Comet ISON posted on NASA.Gov.  Text below taken from the website.

Continuing a history of surprising behavior, material from Comet ISON appeared on the other side of the sun on the evening on Nov. 28, 2013, despite not having been seen in observations during its closest approach to the sun. 

As ISON appeared to dim and fizzle in several observatories and later could not be seen at all by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory or by ground based solar observatories, many scientists believed it had disintegrated completely. However, a streak of bright material streaming away from the sun appeared in the European Space Agency and NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory later in the evening. The question remains whether it is merely debris from the comet, or if some portion of the comet's nucleus survived, but late-night analysis from scientists with NASA's Comet ISON Observing Campaign suggest that there is at least a small nucleus intact.

More information available from NASA.gov:
Related Links:
For more information on Comet ISON: www.nasa.gov/ison
To download recent ISON imagery: http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/Gallery/CometISON.html

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving - 2013. 20 years after the famous snow bowl gift

It was a cool 54 degrees at 7:00 AM in Palmetto Bay this Thanksgiving morning, a signal that the holiday season is upon us.

There is much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. Alexandra, Katherine, Meredith and I wish you and your family the happiest of holidays.

Like millions of others across this great country, we will celebrate Thanksgiving, honoring a tradition older than the nation itself. The Continental Congress proclaimed that the "inhabitants of these states" observe a day of Thanksgiving back in 1782.  Ever since then we set this day aside to give thanks for all our blessings, and this year we have many things for which to be thankful.

Please also take the time to remember and help the less fortunate.  Many families and children are doing with less, Take the time to become involved in a local charity, with time, if not a donation. There are many ongoing charities that are looking for donations and volunteers. The Palmetto Bay Canal Association will be collecting canned foods during its boat Parade this December 21.

Thanksgiving is the busiest traveling season of the year.  Please be aware and be safe.

One of my personal favorite quotes about a holiday:
On Thanksgiving Day all over America, families sit down to dinner at the same moment - halftime.
– (author unknown)

Speaking of football, this is the 20 year anniversary of the Dallas Cowboy, Leon Lett’s, Thanksgiving Day gift to the Miami Dolphins. I have embedded a video excerpting the event.  


Happy Thanksgiving.