Thursday, December 12, 2019

How did the Village fare at the Conflict Resolution/Mediation meeting held 12/12/19? I am providing photos of a 'Do Not Block" intersection.

I am still looking for/waiting on additional reports relating to the Conflict Resolution meeting held between Miami-Dade County and Palmetto Bay officials on Thursday, December 12, 2019. I am told the video will be interesting. This meeting was held at a time when impacted residents would need to take time off from work to attend. 

Reports to date indicate that there was no movement, only the county digging the government heals in deeper. It is either traffic circle or simply paint “do not block” in the intersection at this point. This does not bode well for the other areas that are waiting for implementation of their traffic modifications. 

So much for the art of negotiation. Is there no one on the Palmetto Bay team with any basic negotiation skills? Don’t host the match if you are not (or you are ill) prepared to play the game. I could offer the basic rules for negotiation, but I fear it would continue to be ignored. 

Alice N. Bravo, P.E., Director of the of the Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) led the team from Miami-Dade County. Obviously the Miami-Dade County team was well-prepared for this meeting. It showed. Point Miami-Dade County (possibly even 'checkmate').

Here is the short version, cutting to the chase as to what was offered at this meeting:

Miami-Dade County officials offered to do 1 of 2 things:

1.  Remove the stop signs and paint a "do not block" (the "box") at the intersection, (see posted pictures for an example) or 

2.  Miami-Dade County will fund and install a traffic circle at 174 and 87th Avenue. 

We all  are familiar with the Traffic Circles. But most are unfamiliar with what an intersection looks like with the "do not block" painted within it. I am posting photos that I took of such an intersection. 

FAIR QUESTION: How do our village officials feel their aggressive negotiation through threats and litigation is proceeding, is it effective so far?  Does Mayor Cunningham feel that this process will provide the results worth the probable negative impact on joint projects planned for other areas of Palmetto Bay?  Will we need to litigate all these projects?

The sample pictured are of an intersection along Red Road near the University of Miami in Coral Gables. 
I am told that the village rejected both items and indicated that it will move forward on their legal/administrative remedies. 

PRIOR RELATED POST: See December 10, 2019, Agenda for the Conflict Resolution/Mediation set for 2:00 PM, Thursday, 12/12/19. Agenda includes public comment. Should you/must you go to state your position. Fair questions in advance.

Additional updates will follow as information becomes available. Also see prior posts of:

October 25, 2019, Thoughts on the most recent litigation FILED by the village: Good faith or is this a less than good faith attempt to avoid a deal that the Mayor and Council had no authority to make?

October 17, 2018, Update on Palmetto Bay Traffic Projects - and further updates will be posted as available

December 6, 2019, Are we reaching the end game? What is the strategy and what is the long term goal of the current Mayor and Village Council Members? Fire by volley.

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