Congrats to the Cutler bay council and the Cutler Bay Parks & Rec department. Another family movie night is set for this Friday, June 8th at 7:30 (Movie begins at 8pm). CLICK HERE to view the Cutler Bay promotional poster.
Bring your family to Cutler Ridge Park to see the family friendly movie, Puss in Boots. Admission is free; refreshments are available for purchase. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets.
For more information, call 305-238-4166.
Note for Palmetto Bay residents. Many people ask me why we don't have movie nights more often at Coral Reef Park or rotate to other locations. I regret that I beleive that the current Mayor and Vice Mayor have no concept of a silent majority, that they are strictly on the 'no one must want it if we do not hear direct requests' theory. Attendance should be a good indicator. We have outstanding attendance at the movie nights when properly promoted. There are more opportunities as Pinecrest and Cutler Bay due offer movie nights for you and your families.
I miss Palmetto Bay movie nights. It is probably a stretch to have one now, given the rain, heat and mosquitoes. We missed the last one due to lack of promotion. There is nothing for the kids anymore in this town. What a shame.