Monday, February 17, 2025

Happy Presidents' Day - 2025

How do you observe this Federal holiday? Do you reflect upon legacies of past presidents, simply relax over a long weekend, participate in annual local community event, take advantage of any one of the numerous "Presidents Day" sales or none of the above? 

Presidents' Day is celebrated on the third Monday in February.  Sadly, by some, it is better known commercially as the Presidents' Day Sale where we celebrate and save with great deals! Providing for an extra 15 - 20% off plus free shipping (online)!

A short History of Presidents’ Day

Presidents’ Day was first celebrated in the 1880s, with the birthday of George Washington was first celebrated as a federal holiday.

Controversy: long weekends versus recognizing the actual date:

Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill in 1968.  This moved federal holidays to Mondays. The intent was to provide for long weekends.  There was opposition to this move, by those who believe that those holidays should be celebrated on the dates they actually commemorate (obviously - no longer relevant as Presidents Lincoln and Washington were told to share).

And then there was one national day for all presidents:

How many of us remember celebrating both Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays as separate events?  Presidents' Day became the officially celebrated holiday in 1971, to honor the birthdays of both Washington (February 22) and Abraham Lincoln (February12).  Note that Abraham Lincoln’s birthday was celebrated in many states, but was never an official national holiday (I wonder which states celebrated?  Extra points awarded for those who can answer)

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