How do you observe this Federal holiday? Do you reflect upon legacies of past presidents, simply relax over a long weekend, participate in annual local community event, take advantage of any one of the numerous "Presidents Day" sales or none of the above?
South Dade Updates
South Dade Updates. My best method for keeping everyone up to date on important matters affecting our community.
Monday, February 17, 2025
Happy Presidents' Day - 2025
Thursday, February 6, 2025
One step at a time – restoring some transparency and access to the Village. It is amazing how replacing a single council member can affect the entire village council.
Council Member Patrick Fiore found an ally in newly elected Vice Mayor Mark Merwitzer. Three votes were there last Monday evening (Monday, Feb 3, 2025) to restore the ability to submit public comment via e-mail.
If passed on second reading, Section 2-49(e) will be amended
in its entirety to read as follows:
(e) Written communication. Interested parties or their authorized representatives may submit written comments to be provided by the Village Clerk to the Councilmembers prior to the start of the Council meeting. Written comments shall be read aloud for not more than one (1) minute and shall be made part of the public record of the meeting.
The prior Vice Mayor was part of a coalition to remove the reading of emails from the public meetings. Thank you Vice Mayor Mark Merwitzer for your energy and collaboration with Patrick Fiore to get this item through by the razor thin 3-2 margin.
The task is not yet compete.
This is an ordinance and it requires passage at a second reading. I am
hopeful that Council Member Fiore will move this item forward at the March
Council Meeting and that he is once again joined by Vice Mayor Merwitzer and
Council Member Marsha Matson.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Cardinal feeding time at the Palmetto Bay Bird Feeder Cam
Monday, January 20, 2025
A statement of protest or honoring the late President Carter – or is it simple neglect of following assigned Flag protocol? Flags remain at half-staff at Palmetto Bay’s Village Hall during the inauguration.
A faithful reader sent me two photos today of the flags at
Palmetto Bay’s Village Hall that remain at half-mast on Monday, January 20,
2025. The photos were taken just after 1
PM - during the inauguration of President Trump.
Interesting – so the fair question is whether this is simply
laziness, ignoring flag protocol or is it an official passive aggressive statement
of protest relating to the election? I
have not heard anything on the inside, I just place these though provoking
photos online for my fellow residents to consider.
As reported in the USA TODAY:
Eight states, including Iowa, Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Nebraska and Alabama, ordered flags at full-staff during Trump’s inauguration. In addition to the state buildings, the U.S. Capitol will have its flags at full-staff during the inauguration, House Speaker Mike Johnson announced on Tuesday.
“On January 20th, the flags at the Capitol will fly at full-staff to celebrate our country coming together behind the inauguration of our 47th President, Donald Trump,” Johnson said in a statement. “The flags will be lowered back to half-staff the following day to continue honoring President Jimmy Carter.”
Florida is one of the eight states listed in the USA Today article as ordering flags at full-staff during Trump’s inauguration - See: Which states will raise flags for Trump's inauguration? Jonathan Limehouse, USA TODAY.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is one of Governors who specifically ordered that flags be raised for the incoming president.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
"Hearts Around the World" A great Second Grade class project where you and your friends and relatives can participate - Mrs. Arrington's Class at Howard Drive Elementary.
Monday, January 6, 2025
Climbing the Rickenbacker (the William M Powell) Bridge - Sat. Jan 4, 20...
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Enjoying a white Christmas - Christmas Eve Day - December 24 2024
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Update of Fairchild development / litigation. The loss in court in now complete – Village officials cave – and without argument – enter into an agreed final judgment in favor of the developer.
Palmetto Bay officials have surrendered and did not contest judgment against the village in the case of FAIRCHILD BAY SUBDIVISION LLC VS VILLAGE OF PALMETTO BAY, 2023-016828-CA-01. CLICK HERE to view the Order entered on December 5, 2024.
I expected a Fairchild victory. The Order notes that “…in light of the recently entered opinion by this Court’s appellate division, quashing the Village’s rezoning denial at issue in this case. The Court has reviewed the Motions at a virtual hearing held on December 3, 2024…” but what is surprising is that “… the entry of this Final Judgment is unopposed.” (emphasis added)When did Village Officials make the decision to accept judgment against the Village? No one knows. We will all have to wait until any shade session transcripts are released before the public finds out.
Village Officials have not released statements about this profound development.
Details are important. This judgment requires Palmetto Bay to take the following action:
PALMETTO BAY will adopt an Ordinance, approving the proposed rezoning of the Property from Agricultural (“AG”) to Estate Modified (“EM”).
PALMETTO BAY is directed, in accordance with applicable law, to properly advertise a rezoning and bring before the Village Council for final decision in the matter of rezoning the Property from Agricultural (“AG”) to Estate Modified (“EM”) by February, 2025.
PALMETTO BAY shall effect the rezoning of the Property from Agricultural (“AG”) to Estate Modified (“EM”).
HOWEVER, and one slight good point for village taxpayers, each side shall each bear their own attorneys’ fees and costs. (Taxpayers will "only" be responsible for the attorneys fees and costs paid to the list of lawyers who represented Palmetto Bay).
We will also now wait for the February zoning hearing to hear about the details.
See November 19, 2024, Now armed with a strong appellate decision in their favor, is the stage set for victory by Fairchild Subdivision applicant against Palmetto Bay?
September 11, 2024. Fully unfavorable decision rendered against the Village of Palmetto Bay by the court in FAIRCHILD BAY SUBDIVISION LLC VS VILLAGE OF PALMETTO BAY, 2023-000033-AP-01
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Appellate Court rules against Residents and Palmetto Bay in the bridge appeal.
The decision was released this morning deciding the appeal of Village of Palmetto Bay, Florida, et al. v. Miami-Dade County, Florida, 3rd DCA Case no.: 2024-0230. This was a 14 page decision. In conclusion, the panel ruled that:
... the County was and is the ultimate decider as to the necessity of the Bridge Project. Because its actions were consistent with the applicable regulatory framework, it acted within its purview in approving the construction. We therefore find no reversible error and affirm in all respects.
CLICK HERE to view the opinion released Wednesday, December 4, 2024.
I will post an analysis later this week, but I am posting the notification and link to the opinion to enable access for any interested readers.
Monday, December 2, 2024
Best Christmas Commercials Ever Santa Riding A Norelco Razor
This commercial was once the official signal that the Christmas season had arrived.