Friday, May 10, 2024

There are rules to prevent toxic meetings - but this mayor and council deliberately choose not to follow the rules. Today we look at Sec. 2-49. Council discussion, public participation and decorum.

Palmetto Bay has rules in place relating to Council discussion, public participation and decorum.  Council bullying would not occur if the mayor enforced the rules.  Alternatively, any member of the village council may step forward to act through a point of order where the mayor freezes and fails to act.

Let me provide a simple quote from the rules that is almost never honored by this Mayor and Council when Council Member Matson attempts to speak:

"Councilmembers shall not interrupt another member who has the floor." (Bold emphasis added)

The rules were put in place for a reason. The ongoing chaos and toxicity is due to the failure to run meetings according to the rules.

And yes, we shouldn't even need these rules. One would think that common sense and a desire to work collaboratively would prevail, but this is sadly not the case here in Palmetto Bay.

Here are the subsections that I would direct your attention to today:

(f)       Decorum. Any person making impertinent or slanderous remarks, or who becomes boisterous, while addressing the council may be barred from further appearance before the council by the mayor, unless permission to continue or again address the council is granted by a majority vote of the council. Applauding speakers shall be discouraged. Heckling or verbal outbursts in support or opposition to a speaker, or his or her remarks, shall be prohibited. No signs or placards shall be allowed in the council meeting. Persons exiting the council meeting shall do so quietly. All cellular telephones and beepers are to be silenced during the meeting. (Bold emphasis added)

Nowhere in this subsection is a member of the council excluded from the Decorum subsection.  It clearly states "any person", not just a member of the public. In fact, I would argue that the mayor and/or any other member of the council has an even greater duty to maintain decorum. Set an example. 

Is it really so difficult to follow these simple rules?  Sadly, it is more than apparent that this mayor and council cannot.

Subsection (a) addresses comments and debate by and among the members of the village council (and by members of the village council, it necessarily includes the Mayor as well).

(a)    Discussion by councilmembers.  ... A member, once recognized by the mayor, shall direct all comments or questions on the item being discussed to the mayor only. Councilmembers shall not engage in cross conversation with other members or with the public. Councilmembers shall not interrupt another member who has the floor. The mayor shall not unreasonably withhold or delay recognition of any member of the council desiring to speak. The mayor shall recognize other members of the council in rotation and not call on any member a second time or subsequent time until all members shall have had an opportunity to speak.  (Bold emphasis added)


Sec. 2-49. Council discussion, public participation and decorum.

(a)      Discussion by councilmembers. Discussion by councilmembers shall be unlimited except as determined by a majority of the council. The councilmember who sponsors an item shall be afforded the privilege to close with rebuttal. A member, once recognized by the mayor, shall direct all comments or questions on the item being discussed to the mayor only. Councilmembers shall not engage in cross conversation with other members or with the public. Councilmembers shall not interrupt another member who has the floor. The mayor shall not unreasonably withhold or delay recognition of any member of the council desiring to speak. The mayor shall recognize other members of the council in rotation and not call on any member a second time or subsequent time until all members shall have had an opportunity to speak.

(b)      Questions by councilmembers. In the event a member wishes to direct questions to another member or to the public during a meeting, the questions shall be directed to the mayor who, in turn, will recognize the councilmember or member of the public who wishes to answer the specific questions. In the event a member wishes to direct a question to the village manager or village attorney, the question shall be directed to the manager or attorney through the mayor, who will, in turn, recognize the member. All questions of village staff shall be made through the village manager.

(c)      Public participation and discussion. Individuals wishing to speak on matters that appear on the agenda as "public hearings" need only to be recognized by the mayor. The public shall be permitted to speak after the mayor opens an item for public hearing. After the mayor closes the public hearing, only members of the council or the administration may discuss the item.

(d)      Manner and time of addressing council. Public discussion shall be limited to three minutes maximum per person; provided, however, the mayor may authorize an extension of time after due consideration for the substance, content and relative importance of the subject. The mayor may limit the amount of time allowed for public discussion. Each person who addresses the council shall step up to the speaker's podium and shall give his or her name, address, identify whether the person speaks on his or her own behalf, a group of persons, or a third party. Public speakers should avoid repetitive statements. If the person represents an organization, the person shall also indicate the number of members in the organization, the date of the most recent meeting of the organization's governing body, and whether the view expressed by the speaker represents an established policy of the organization approved by the governing board, compensation, if any, and whether the person or any immediate family member has a personal financial interest in the pending matter (other than compensation for speaking at the meeting). No person other than the council and the person recognized by the mayor as having the floor shall be permitted to enter into discussion without the approval of the mayor. All questions from the public to the council shall be addressed through the mayor. After a motion is made by a councilmember, no person shall address the council without first securing the approval of the mayor.

(e)      Written communications. Interested persons or their authorized representatives may address the council by written communications in compliance with criteria established under subsection (d) regarding items to be considered by the council.

(f)       Decorum. Any person making impertinent or slanderous remarks, or who becomes boisterous, while addressing the council may be barred from further appearance before the council by the mayor, unless permission to continue or again address the council is granted by a majority vote of the council. Applauding speakers shall be discouraged. Heckling or verbal outbursts in support or opposition to a speaker, or his or her remarks, shall be prohibited. No signs or placards shall be allowed in the council meeting. Persons exiting the council meeting shall do so quietly. All cellular telephones and beepers are to be silenced during the meeting.

(Ord. No. 03-11, § 1, 9-8-2003)

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