Friday, February 4, 2022

Mediation ended in an impasse – will the mayor and council file the lawsuit? Key local attorneys are ready to step in for residents in opposition to the bridge.

Update on the 87th Avenue Bridge dispute.  The mediation held February 3, 2002, ended in an impasse (no issues resolved). This is significant. This means that the dispute resolution requirements have been met and the Village of Palmetto Bay officials may now proceed with the long promised lawsuit.

Another lawsuit? Well, yes, but this case may be different for Palmetto Bay due to probable appearances by Palmetto Bay Resident Norman Waas and local attorney David Winker.

Both are excellent attorneys, well suited for this cause. Attorney David Winker has been retained by various residents in opposition to the bridge.  Attorney Winker has extensive experience protecting the rights of aggrieved residents in actions taken by local government. Winker has recently achieved a huge win in a case against the City of Coral Gables in what is known simply as the WAWA case; a victory for the residents in an action where they claimed Coral Gables officials approved the WAWA, through a process described as expedited and without proper notice (sound familiar?).

Attorney Norman Waas is a highly respected litigator. He has incentive as a resident who has opposed the bridging of 87 th avenue. Passion and extensive litigation experience. 

The team of attorneys Winker and Waas will drive this lawsuit and should work well for their respective interests / clients in this matter.

I assume this lawsuit will be discussed at the February Regular Village Council meeting, Monday, February 7, with the lawsuit possibly being filed by the end of this coming week. 

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