Monday, September 20, 2021

POD. Monday, 9/20/2021. Time to grind some stumps and sweep more issues under the rug

A friend of South Dade Updates (FOSDU) sent me photos taken at Coral Reef Park this morning.

A stump grinder is parked and ready to finish off the last remnants of those two original oak trees at Coral Reef Park

Inside baseball joke of the day: I wonder if the current mayor and council have their stump speech ready for this situation? They certainly have not been keeping us in the loop regarding the sad state of the war on trees currently going on in Palmetto Bay. 

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE: Since they have the stump grinder at the ready, can we expect that the grinder will move from Coral Reef Park to the nearby 82nd Avenue at Coral Reef Drive? There have been two oak stumps that appear to represent a hazard as they are in the right of way and are only marked (at times) by an orange cone. Photos of the current status as well as the trees, pre cutting, are posted below for your reference.
Above, Current state of the stumps.
Below, many of us remember how these oat trees once looked.

FAIR QUESTION: When will these oaks be replaced? 4 mature oaks are documented in just this one blog post. How many others have been removed in Palmetto Bay?

THE TOOL BOXCLICK HERE to view a 2016 presentation of the (then) Palmetto Bay Council urban forestry and tree addition initiatives 

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