Thursday, February 6, 2020

Palmetto Bay legislative appropriations requests - Appropriations Project Request - Fiscal Year 2020-21

Two main requests are active in the Florida House of Representatives at the present time: HB 3461 - Palmetto Bay Sub-Basin 61 Construction (“water money”) and HB 3979 - Palmetto Bay Multimodal Transit Station (“the parking garage for downtown/municipal center). I did not see any appropriation bills currently pending for monies for the parks, including master plan changes, or for any green - sustainability issues (planning or implementation money). There are other sources of funding and that will be explained in later posts.

For now, here is an update on the appropriation requests made by the current Mayor and Village Council (information taken from the official Florida House Of Representatives sources):

HB 3461 - Palmetto Bay Sub-Basin 61 Construction
1. Title of Project: Palmetto Bay Sub-Basin 61 Construction
2. Date of Submission: 11/13/2019
3. House Member Sponsor: Vance Aloupis

$ 847,772: Total dollars initially priced for the project/appropriation broken down as follows:
Amount Requested from the State in this Appropriations Project Request:  $678,218
Local Match (Palmetto Bay's contribution): $169,554

What is the specific purpose or goal that will be achieved by the funds being requested?
Palmetto Bay is requesting funding for the construction and construction support for stormwater improvements to its sub-basin #61. Improvements include building additional catch basins, manholes, culverts & exfiltration to connect the catch basins within sub-basin #61. Improvements will reduce pollutant load contribution from 3 main pollutants from the sub-basin into Biscayne Bay Aquifer, control flooding during storms; such as Hurricane Irma, and improve surface water quality.

HB 3979 - Palmetto Bay Multimodal Transit Station
1. Title of Project: Palmetto Bay Multimodal Transit Station
2. Date of Submission: 11/15/2019
3. House Member Sponsor: Javier Fernandez
 Members Copied: Vance Aloupis

$ 3,245,900: Total dollars initially priced for the project/appropriation broken down as follows:
Amount Requested from the State in this Appropriations Project Request:  $ 1,300,000
Local Match (Palmetto Bay's contribution): $ 1,945,900

What is the specific purpose or goal that will be achieved by the funds being requested?
To build a multimodal station as a regional park and ride for county transit services. The park & ride will provide parking to support Miami-Dade County's Bus Rapid Transit system recently authorized on the County's neighboring Transitway. The BRT system will transport residents from as far south as Homestead to the South Dadeland Metrorail Station. The transitway currently lacks sufficient parking to support the commuter ridership. The park & ride will provide 500 parking spaces.

Bill in the Florida Senate:
SB 2500 - Appropriations

General Bill by Appropriations
Appropriations: Providing moneys for the annual period beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2021, and supplemental appropriations for the period ending June 30, 2020, to pay salaries, and other expenses, capital outlay - buildings, and other improvements, and for other specified purposes of the various agencies of state government, etc.
Effective Date: Except as otherwise provided herein, this act shall take effect July 1, 2020, or upon becoming law, whichever occurs later; however, if this act becomes law after July 1, 2020, then it shall operate retroactively to July 1, 2020

What are the legislative goals set by the current mayor and village council for the 2020 legislative session?

The Village Council passed resolution no. 2019-121, through a unanimous 5-0 vote on September 23rd, 2019, setting the following priorities for funding, which included:

A. Supporting legislation that provides funding for traffic calming projects and public transit improvements and extensions for Miami-Dade County;

B. Requesting funding for South Florida Water Management District specifically for canal bank restoration to address the critical erosion needs in the Village of Palmetto Bay;

C. Maximizing all available appropriation and funding opportunities to implement storm water and other needed infrastructure projects throughout the Village;

D. Supporting any legislation and requesting funding assistance and partnership opportunities that support the age friendly city initiatives and the development of unique opportunities for individuals with special needs;

E. Support any legislation requesting funding assistance and partnership opportunities for projects that enhance mobility and create a network of interconnected lanes in support of bicycle and pedestrian activity within the Village;

F. Seeking funding assistance for the Village’s FRDAP and other such FDEP projects to address park capital improvements and park property acquisitions.

Compare / contrast the present status of the Palmetto Bay appropriation requests (2019):

$ 1,790,800 Total money requested from the legislature limited for 3 projects, broken down as follows:
$   745,900 Multimodal center – location undisclosed (23% of the total estimated cost)
$   745,900 Enviro Center to be constructed at Coral Reef Park
$   299,000 Drainage for sub basin 61 (50% match from Village)

$ 1,790,800 Total money requested from the legislature to cover:
$ 6,089,800 total cost of these proposed projects to the residents of Palmetto Bay.

CLICK HERE to view prior posts relating to Tallahassee travel and legislative asks, including:

April 26, 2019, Transparency - is the Palmetto Bay Council placing the cart before the horse or is the fix in on the multimodal? and, 

August 27, 2019, Success in Tallahassee leads to success for the Deering Estate - great work

Coming soon - additional updates and fair questions.

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