Monday, February 18, 2019

FPL Franchise Fee defined - info from explaining your electric bill charges

This is your money funding FPL property taxes and various other charges - eventually 6% added to each and every electric bill until the year 2050, from which FPL will use to pay some of its obligations to Palmetto Bay before turning over the remainder of your money to the Village. 

No amount of political spin can change the facts. This is an agreement between FPL and the local government - in this case Palmetto Bay. FPL does NOT pay anything for the "right to serve electric customers". No, FPL collects the money from We, the people, who actually pay for this 30 year exclusive agreement that will run from 2020 to 2050.

Information below taken verbatim from

Storm charge*: Used to repay the bonds issued during the 2004 and 2005 hurricane restoration efforts and to partially replenish the storm damage reserve fund for future storms.

Gross receipts tax*: A tax of about 2.56 percent on a customer’s electric bill that is paid to the State of Florida.

Other taxes and fees: Vary by area, as established by local governing bodies. FPL collects these costs for distribution to the appropriate entities.
» Franchise charge*: FPL competes with municipalities and county governments for the right to serve electric customers. If a local government chooses, it can enter into a contract with FPL that enables the government to charge residents a contractual amount, the franchise fee, in exchange for its agreement to not form an electric utility for the term of the franchise.
 » Utility/municipal tax*: A tax imposed by a municipality or county government on the sale of electricity. 
NOTE: The term “base rate” refers to the total of the customer charge and base energy charge. It is not a separate item on the bill.

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