Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Turkey Point Warning Siren Test Announcement - Friday 1:00 PM

You may hear sirens blaring on Friday - be advised it is a regularly scheduled test.

Please be advised: Friday, December 2 there will be a test of the Turkey Point Nuclear Plant’s warning sirens .  This is a regularly scheduled quarterly siren test.  The sirens test will start at approximately 13:00 (1:00 PM) and lasts about 20 minutes from start to finish.
I am posting this as I have been advised that this regularly held test may result in calls.  Please be advised that this test is a required part of the Turkey Point Nuclear Plant’s alert and notification program.  In the event of a real event, information about the incident and protective action (if necessary) would be communicated via regular media outlets.

1 comment:

  1. The Turkey Point Siren image is a screenshot of my my video on Youtube, please provide a credit of you use any of my content. If you look at the video ( at 2:24 you can see the photo is a copy. And when I overlap the photos using photo editors the photos line up perfectly.
