Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wings Over Miami: model airplane event - Jan 25, 2014

There is another interesting event to consider and put on your calendar: Remember Model Planes Flying on Wire? Now scheduled for January 25, 2014.

Wings Over Miami is planning a model airplane event with modeling, flying, and those good old planes that flew on a wire! Please contact them if you are interested in helping with the models or the other activities during the event. Take a look at the video... It is a blurry, but it is something special...

Wings Over Miami on Saturday, January 25 is going to circle off the ramp, they will put some of there real planes on the grass as well as doing some control line flying and R/C model crafting. Should be something that takes some of us back to our youth and allows everyone else have fun!

I recall days of heading out with my father to the old Tamiami Airport grounds to fly the .049 Cox U-Control planes.  My longest lasting was a P-19 model. I still have some old engines, but none of my old planes remain - and who knows if any of the old glow plugs still work?  And who among us went for it when starting the engines, rejecting the "starter sticks"?

For current info, follow Wings Over Miami Air Museum on Facebook (CLICK HERE)

1 comment:

  1. So, Eugene, dust off the engines. And get your plane together.
