Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cutler Bay Mayor Ed MacDougall takes a stand: MDX tolls keep rising: Let your voice be heard - Other Views - MiamiHerald.com

MDX tolls keep rising: Let your voice be heard - Other Views - MiamiHerald.com
Thank you to the reader who pointed out Cutler Bay Mayor Ed MacDougall's article posted in the opinion section of the Tuesday, June 18, 2013, Miami Herald: MDX tolls keep rising: Let your voice be heard

Mayor MacDougall is showing great leadership on this issue. Take a stand! Mayor MacDougall's actions are in stark contrast to what is NOT happening in Palmetto Bay.

Mayor MacDougall states that he has attended the last two MDX board meetings and was so disappointed by the lack of attendance by our elected officials at these critical hearings. Incredibly, he was the only elected official to watch the MDX board actions.
He is asking for you, the taxpayers to get involved in the MDX process, that (a)lthough these important hearings are public there is a sparse audience and the board seems to act in a bubble without any thought to the people who travel these roads daily.

I personally join Mayor MacDougall in thanking the efforts of the grassroots group, RollBackTolls.com, these MDX issues are getting the attention they deserve.

Thank you Mayor MacDougall.  Be sure to let your neighboring counterpart know when it is safe to surface and take part in issues of regional importance. She has been strangely silent on this issue as well.

Note that this is not the first complaint I have issued regarding a strange lack of leadership within Palmetto Bay's current electeds.  See:
A great example of action, follow through, by the Village of Pinecrest on Neighborhood Protection; and

Update on the 3/19 MDX South MIami-Dade meeting. Toll hike on state roads 836 and 112 might not be final - MiamiHerald.com


  1. AnonymousJune 18, 2013

    Pinecrest and Cutler Bay had their mayors present to speak against the toll increase at the hearing today. Palmetto Bay was unrepresented.

    1. Roll Back Tolls was successful in getting her to sign a letter, so there was some movement in obtaining at least pro forma support.
