I humbly ask for your vote and continued support. We need to work together to complete the projects we began, moving Palmetto Bay forward;
reestablish the original fiscal method of governance I created, that of
“Government Lite” which was how we won awards for our budgets and received
flawless audits under my original leadership, resulting in AA- bond rating. We
need to invest in properly maintaining our roads, drainage and park
improvements as delays will cost us more money when these items can no longer
be put off.
Too many people have asked me why the traffic calming program has come to a
screeching halt since I left office. I will restart our public safety traffic calming initiatives.
It is time to initiate a new long range plan process.
I will also meet with parents about what playground equipment they want
restored to our playgrounds and work to reinvigorate parks activities for all
ages. We must take steps necessary to guarantee free public access at Thalatta
Estate. We have more than ample village employees, so we should make sure our park
concessions stands and buildings are open. We need to be reasonable in addressing
renovating the building at Coral Reef Park.
But this is such a small part. I want to get you involved. Please call me at (305) 302-3713 or e-mail me at eugeneflinn@bellsouth.net. More information and specifics are available on my campaign website: eugeneflinn.com.
Thank you!
Your neighbor and friend,
Eugene Flinn